Last week I shared part 1 of our home's story;
part 2 gets even more interesting.
Girls, this really is a true story
I couldn't make this up
It is a tale of yard sales....our favorite kind, right?
this is our house circa 1912
The next photo that we have
taken in the 40's
taken in the 40's
the gable end gingerbread had been removed.
We looked everywhere for it:
in the chicken coop,
in the chicken coop,
in the barn stalls,
in the loft of the barn
but there was no gingerbread to be found.
This is where it gets really good
Shortly after beginning the exterior makeover
we were having a yard sale of our own
My Mr. was talking to our neighbor, Arlene,
(my favorite go-to junque' lady),
about how we really wished we
had the original gingerbread .
Or any gingerbread.
She said" I have some gingerbread that I bought
at a yard/barn sale down the road a few years ago.
Would you be interested in it?"
Heck ya, we'd be interested.
You have to understand
that there are only a few old houses here
and most of them are plain farm houses
without much architectural features.
We don't have salvage yards
so when someone says they have gingerbread...
you'd better jump at it.
We headed on down to her place
(ran is more like it!)
She had 3 gable end pieces...
How much?
"$300.00 for all 3 pieces..."
or here's a better deal yet
how about $100.00
some of your junk that you're trying to sell."
We took it home
couldn't wait to put it up!
Here's My Mr. is heading up the ladder with it.
Yes, I know it's dark
we're impatient like that

You are not going to believe this,
The nail holes in the gingerbread
the nail holes on the house
are matching up!
the nail holes on the house
are matching up!
Dig out the old photos...
Dig out the old photos...
You guessed it
It is the original gingerbread!
shortly after Arlene bought them!
Now that is an amazing story!
Chills? Goosebumps? Hair standing on the back of my neck? Youbetcha! And the fact that the barn burned down? Double chills! Some things are meant to be. Bet your house is happy to have her parts back too. Great story!
You have got to be kidding!!! Isn't that just the best when something like this happens! I am so happy for you that you found the exact same pieces that were original...way too cool!!! Happy WW!
the gingerbread, was meant for you and to go back home....what an awesome story!
Wow that is amazing and so wonderful! Seems like God just saved it for you knowing you would want it! Great post! Love the pictures...just beautiful.
oh I am so proud Your"Lady" got some of her original jewelry back. How perfect that it turned out that way. Is it possible for me to be so in love with a house I have never seen in person? I so love your house, like I haven't told you that how many times already? Love hearing the history of it and how you came about adopting it as your own. Love her!!!Thanks for sharing. Look forward to seeing her in all her glory.
Thru Nanas window
What an amazing story. Unbelievable! But true. That gingerbread is so beautiful and just adds the 'icing to the cake'! How wonderful that your neighbour had it after all those years! Great story. Hugs, Pamela
WOW! Now that's more than a coincidence!
[ser-uhn-dip-i-tee] Show IPA
an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
I'd say that cover's it!!!!
Looks fabulous! Your house is gorgeous even without the gingerbread!
I visit but rarely comment due to time constraints. But, I do believe that pieces come home to roost. We had a friend here that restored an old "mini-mansion". She yard saled it and thrift saled it to put the rooms together. One of the sets she found was an old black leather couch and two chairs-another place she found two lamps. The man (who lived in the house as a boy) came one day and asked if he could see the house. She invited him in. He hit the living room and turned as white as a sheet. Where did you get these..he wanted to know? She told him and he said that it was his Mother's set and she had always arranged it exactly that way...and my friend had a grand piano in the same spot his mother had her own set. The lamps? True? Could they be the same lamps? They were! He showed her where one had been mended that he had broken as a child playing in the room he wasn't supposed to be in.
I loved this story and I love your old house-I am an old house kinda gal...or maybe I am just an old gal!;>) Hugs-Diana
What a cool story! This is why we love old stuff, whether its a house or a great ironstone platter, it all has a story. Thanks for sharing this, I loved it! t. xoxoxo
Yes I did get goosebumps. You and your home were meant to be reunited with that piece of gingerbread. No wonder it fit perfectly. I am thrilled for you.
Wow I love this story!!! God has a plan:)
A total God-thing. My little find last Saturday was small in comparison...but finding the lace I prayed to find was a God-thing too. He gives us the desires of our heart...
LOVELY...goosebumps for sure!
I so love it when God orchestrates little blessing like that......that's a cool story! I will have to drive by your house now so I can see it! lol
That's amazing!
I'm so happy for you.
I would've been so excited too.
Definitely meant to be!
How wonderful. They belong together!
This is amazing Rene. I just knew it was going to be - so glad that it worked out that way. It really is an unusual piece of gingerbread, too. I'm looking forward to - the rest of the story. Diane
The ginger bread made its way home!! Certain things just can't be explained.
It was SO meant to BE!!!!! I love, LOVE this story.....the girl had her glory back....just beautiful, hugs and love, Dawn
I swear there was eerie music playing from somewhere as I was reading this post! What a story! More and more you are making me pine for an old Victorian home! Thank you for another incredibly entertaining share!
Best Wishes and Blessings,
What a way cool awesome story, the home looks beautiful. Hugs Mary
How awesome is that! I love that you found the original pieces. Meant to be, for certain.
Blessings to you and your hubby.
hi rene,
your hause, your home is very, very beautiul. old AND new!
Wonderful story!
Thank you very much for your lovely words! I realy like your blog and will come back often! And: Your house is just great, i would like to live there! ;o)))
Kind regards from switzerland,
... and sorry about my bad english...!!
Wow! I love stories like that. Your house is beautiful.
Ooh, chills and thrills!!! It was all meant to come together just like that, so that you could truly appreciate the treasure in your hands! Thanks for sharing that awesome story of fate, destiny, and beauty!
That is so unreal!!!! I guess it was meant to be! It's beautiful....I still can't believe it's the same piece!!!
Rene, lately, I don't know if is related to be older, things seem to come full circle. Maybe is because we are in the hunt and business of the old, or because life is like that. I love to hear stories like yours. I can just imagine your husband surprise. Blessings, Marta.
That gives me more than goosebumps, I've got tears in my eyes! That is just unbelievable! What a catch! Lucky you and I sure hope you are still hugging Arlene.....everytime you see her!
Wow! What a blessing to find the original gingerbread! It's beautiful and now it's back where it belonged. I love your blog. I come here all of the time. It is so inspiring to see your transformation of you home. Everything is so beautiful.
Lee Laurie
How wonderful for you ... Don't you just love it when it comes back home!!!! Your home is beautiful by the way! I enjoyed your post! :)
I'd say it was meant to be. How nice that the trim and house are reunited.
Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events,
that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, that are observed to occur together in a meaningful manner.
I love have a beautiful home..and family.
And a wonderful provenance in all the pictures you have of it's history..would'nt those pix make a great collage to decorate and display in the house.
holy cow...i do have goosebumps! what an amazing story. only our God could do something that utterly cool. how wonderful to get your lady all back together in her original finery.
Absolutely an amazing story. You could not have made it up. Only God can make things happen like that! I am so glad the pieces are coming back together where they belong. *Hugs*
Isn't it wonderful how we get unexpected gifts in our lives! Your house, I mean home is beautiful!
Wow how awesome!! Your home i=s just so beautiful!!
What a wonderful story!!!
LOVE stories like this!
Awesome Story of the Gingerbread trim.... I actually had to go back & read Part 1 since I have missed a few W.W.'s Your Home is Incredible, truly a Home of Love~
What a wonderful story. I'm so thrilled for your finding the trim that belonged to your house. What was the chance of that ever happening? God granted your wish.
Congratulations. Love your blog and enjoy following.
Goosebumps for sure. What an amazing story! its just like how a dog who goes missing eventually finds his way home. So happy for you, and what a story you will have to pass down to the next generations!
Sometimes life just falls into place. I wonder if someone removed your pieces when the house was empty and planned on selling them.
This was meant to be.
Could this all be some kind of miracle?
Hope you will drop by and enter my $50 Gift Card Giveaway!! If there are 500 entries, the amount will increase the Gift Card to $100.
Oh my gosh.........what a story! It's a miracle don't you think?
Love how it looks!
XXX Marga
Oh, my gosh Rene' how awesome! I just love your house. I am so glad the gingerbread made it home! What a neat story. Thanks for linking it up at HSH!
Oh my Word!!! That is sooooo amazing!!! What a fabulous story and a treasured find... quite unbelievable. You must have been thrilled to bits. I love the way its called gingerbread over there. so cute.
Love this story!! I always say, " What is meant to be, will be" And it was meant that the original gingerbread would come back to the house!!
Your home is gorgeous!!
Oh isn't that funny! I think it happens like that though, the neighbor behind us has one of our original windows from our sunroom in her enclosed porch we figured out one day. If she ever changes it out she offered to give it to us. Cute story, and congrats, ginger-breading is so beautiful!
Wow! What a wonderful story! You're living my dream, girl! And thanks for stopping by my blog and for the kind comment.
Yes that did give me a chill..You were meant to have it and adorn your home with it once again..Can't wait to see your home finished outside..Have a great week..
Oh my, yes it does give me goosebumps... that trim was just waiting to be brought Home at the right time wasn't it! It is fabulous... as is your gorgeous Historic Home...
Thanks for stopping by with your sweet words & joining us on the last let of our Tranquility Tour...
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
Oh my gosh Rene'! I literally had the biggest goose bumps then I read your line about goose bumps! And the barn burning down after she got those...that is one crazy story!
I meant to tell you before but one day while browsing your blog, I noticed a frame. It was square with a circle inside it with carved roses on top. I had that exact one! It was plastic and peach with a not so pretty copy of a floral painting inside. I painted it cream, antiqued it and ended up putting a mirror tile in it. I LOVED it. I kind of regret selling it but it went to a nice woman that bought it for her cottage in Ireland. I hope you enjoy yours.
Have a blessed weekend!
PS I just realized I wasn't actually a follower before but I am now!
Great story Rene!
What are the odds? I LOVE this story and I did get goosebumps. Your house is so charming and I can't wait to see it all painted up in white:-)
Hope you are enjoying your summer.
Kept just to be put back where it belonged on your home. Amazing story. Can wait to read more.
Dear Rene`, I have loved reading the amazing story about your beautiful home and the gingerbread trim again. I am so glad you shared it! Yes, it does give me goosebumps! God is so good to provide for our needs and desires! I am so happy you have your beautiful old home! It is a dream of mine to own an old home one day! I hope the painting is coming along well. That is a lot of work! Take good care sweetie! Love you, Paula
Pretty amazing story !! So glad it came home to where it belongs, Its Beautiful !!!
oh my...what an amazing story...i love that you found a little piece of your home in someone's barn...thanks for sharing at fridays unfolded!
Wow amazing Rene, I guess it was just meant to come back home.
Do you think God saved it and hid it away just for you? Wouldn't surprise me! He loves to give us the desires of our hearts. Just when and where we least expect it!
Oh yea, that's a God thing, for sure!!! Loved hearing this part of the tale, thanks for sharing with us Rene, loving your transformation,
xo Debra
Hi, friend! I'm admiring all your creative posts here. Can you please share them at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop? Hope to see you there at the party :)
Hopping over from
Homemaker on a dime.
This DOES give me
goose bumps! LOVE
it. Seriously love
it. We live in an
1892 Victorian once
and there is something
so wonderful about
living in that kind
of history. Your house
is just beautiful.
xx Suzanne
What a wonderfully, amazing story to document as renovations move on...are we ever really done?:)! Thanks for stopping by Rene!
I know that you have so many blog parties to choose from so thank you for choosing Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop. This amazing post added to the party blast! Enjoy the rest of the week :)
oh my goodness! what a great story, it gave me goosebumps! the gingerbread, back home again. you have a beautiful home.
Yes...I have goosebumps. I love it when G-d does above what we could ask or think! I love your house
I love that story, and I find the string of events quite amazing. Thanks for linking up at Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.
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