Sunday, November 30, 2008
we have a winner...
turkey bowl...

aunts and uncles

Even *Grandma* comes out for this one game

Look at that catch!

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
preparing for the feast, part 2
2 1/2 c. flour
1 tsp salt
2 T. sugar
1/2 c. chilled shortening
12 T. cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/4" pieces
6-8 T ice water
I like the good ole' Libby's recipe the best.
Just use 3 cups of fresh pumpkin.
And top with freshly whipped cream.
but still very dear to my heart
are these
Thanksgiving decorations
that I just pulled out of the drawer
to put in their special place of honor.
I bought these years ago.
They were always the centerpiece during Novemeber
As you can see, one night,
I suppose dinner was taking a little too long ,
with 5 hungry children (2 of them being boys),
You know the *respect other people's property*
and *you think you're hungry* talk .
But now I look at them and smile.
They remind me of a special time,
a time when the table was full,
and laughter abounded ,
a time when my boys were here to tease me,
and a time of many lessons to be learned.
A time to be thankful for.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
preparing for the feast, part 1
I learned how
during what I call my
*Little House on the Prairie* days
and the taste is really uncomparable!
Scoop out seeds
There you have it~
We use *pie* pumpkins
they are sweeter and not as stringy as *jack o'lantern* types
We also do up quite a bit and freeze what we don't use for Thanksgiving
for more pies, muffins, and cake.
Tasty and easy!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
my bountiful harvest...
It all started with this
and this
(I found this pretty soup tureen at Downtown Treasures)

I don't normally buy brown
but there was something about this
that just spoke to me.
OK, yelled at me:)
Kelly at Rose Vine Cottage Two
posted these photos
from the fall Creative Home magazine

a little shabby
a little vintage
very romantic

All of these treasures found thrifting:
large oval mirror used as base
glass compote
sweet little brown mug with roses
apothocary jar
old lace
jar with rusty lid
*R* hankie
old books
old flowers
clip-on earring with rhinestones
I'm lovin' the look,
is this the beginning of something *new* ?

Have a great week preparing
for the celebration of thanks!

Thursday, November 20, 2008
bloggy anniversary...

I'll be drawing next week, Friday, Nov.28.
I concede...
Time to move inside!
Come on back and
I'll show you what I've been doing here!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Where is your mobile phone? what 's that?
Your hair colour? Brown
Your mother? my friend, my accomplice
Your favourite thing? my family
Your dream last night? Where am I going to put that display shelf?
Your dream goal? contentment
The room you're in? worse than cluttered
Your hobby (hobbies)? Junking
Your fear? empty nest
Where do you want to be in 6 years? wherever God has me
Where were you last night? home making more applesauce
What you're not? a clean-freak
One of your wish-list items? organization
Where you grew up?Idaho
The last thing you did? paid the paint bill
Your TV? who cares?
Your computer? my link to the outside world
Can't live without? HOPE
Your mood? roller coaster
Missing someone?always
Your car? my junkin' van
Something you're not wearing? make-up
Favourite shop? Monticello Antique Mall
Your summer? busy and blurry
Love someone? my husband of 28 years
Love/Hate Relationship?Junking
Current addiction? Junking
Your favourite colour? currently it's creamy soft-off-white
When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
When is the last time you cried? yesterday
Just use one word to answer the questions! LOL, try to use only one word, anyway! Oh, and if you read this blog... consider yourself tagged, then tell me if you did the quiz in my comments.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Where I've been...
is why I've been MIA.
name that baby...

Their individual personalities
are beginning to show, too.