
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's about time...

It is so time...

for my bedroom reveal.

Before we start I'll give you a bit of history.

1. This room is an addition.
The house had 3 upstairs bedrooms but no bath.
The kitchen had attic space but not a second story
we took off the kitchen roof
built  walls and put a roof back on
 to create our master bedroom.

2.We only  had  16 x 16 ft  to work with
so we had to be

We wanted to include a walk-in closet 
a full bath
 within that space.
I really wanted a claw-foot tub....a 100 year-old farmhouse just would NOT be complete without it.
We'd had this decorating scheme for about 8 years.  

The wall behind the bed 
is a faux wall created  for a focal point 
and to fill up the corner.
I was ready for a fresh updated look.
 I did (do) love the cabbage rose wallpaper
 but don't worry ...
I still have it in other rooms...
I'm kinda like that...
when I find something I love 
I get a little overboard
and keep using it.

this was my inspiration 


elements I wanted to bring in:
chippy white
romantic, warm layers of lace
wedding ephemera
things that  had significant meaning in our marriage
white furniture

I started with the bed wall.

(Remember the beadboard  from the chicken coop?)

this wall
became the standard 
as I moved around the room and worked on each section.

I would look at each section 
and ask if it was in keeping with the wall?
If  I started  straying from my standard  
then I would start over.

I remember something Cindy  from Cottage Instincts said 
that has really, really stuck with me:
sometimes, to get what you really love 
you have to give up what you  just like.

This kept me on track.

We placed the tub in the bedroom space. 

You can see we still don't have the faucet...
they're rather I'll save my pennies.

I'm lovin' it!

My husband is lovin' it
Mainly, I think he's just lovin'
 that I'm finished 
and he can get out of the room at night 
without stubbing his toe.

I love the *warm- romantic--on-purpose* feel to the room.
I love that most  of what I used I already had .
I shopped my barn, my chicken coop, my parlor floor.
I love that I  re-purposed .
I love how I aged what looked too new. 
I love that I found the beadboard.
I love that we are finally using this highboy 
that belonged to my husband's mother.

(We weren't using it b/c of the finish...
we finally said *PAINT it and USE it!)

I love that I tried some new things (that's for another post)

I love that I'm getting better at going outside of the box.
I really am quite a purist.
I was able to use the un-painted cabinet...
to mix it up...and to like it!

Next week, I'll show you close-ups...
all the details 
that I had so much fun with
pulled my hair out with...
I'll be linking to white wednesday at Faded Cottage Charm
My Romantic Home for Friday Show and Tell.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

save the drama for yo' mama...

oh, ya
I am the mama...

To say that emotions are running high around here 
would be an understatement.

We are 3 girls and 1 guy living under this roof.

emotions abound

first, there's my fear... I convince myself  my husband is dying...
then there's Miss G missing her guy and her being sure they're never going to be able to get married...
and the girl youngin'  being...well, just being 13.

Boundaries,  Misunderstandings, and Faith convos.

  last night it came.  my meltdown.
I ranted...I raved...I cried...
I went to bed discouraged and exhausted from it all...
and this morning was not much better.

I  want it all to stop...
to have a be happy... to have  everyone get along.... to communicate accurately and honestly...
to be happy.
But what I need 
is a change of heart.
To see
 that these challenges 
are opportunities.
(Thanks Leslie)
to walk in grace

to depend fully on God for strength and joy
to examine my heart for selfish motives
to live this life on purpose.

  1. When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
    When sorrows like sea billows roll; 
  2. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well, with my soul.

  3. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
  4. Let this blest assurance control,
  5. That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
  6. And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
  7. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! 
  8. My sin, not in part but the whole,
  9. Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
  10. And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
    The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
    The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
    Even so, it is well with my soul.
  11. It is well, with my soul,
  12. It is well, it is well, with my soul.

After a great time of worship
some good family time
 a nap 
and even a  fun photo shoot...
things are calm again.  
We love, we forgive, we go on.
We acknowledge 
we are girls
that maybe, just maybe, 
 emotions can run wild.

This act is now over...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

updates, projects, and WW...

gosh, you're swell.
My honey's appt. went well...
(didn't mean to rhyme there)
the Dr. said it's not life-threatening
nice words when you're  at the heart Dr.
just annoying
(OK , we can deal with that)
the recommended treatment is catheter ablation
(inserting a catheter through a vein to fix the spot where the electrical impulse is coming from)

We're scheduled  for next Thursday

You know the worst thing about fear 
is what it 
It steals your today.
It steals your tomorrows.
It makes you afraid to dream. to plan
and I'm a planner.
I  get immobilized by fear.

I set my heart here:

Finally, brothers, whatever is true
whatever is noble, whatever is right
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy
think about such things. 
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, 
or seen in me—
put it into practice. 
And the God of peace will be with you.

Here's a little bit 
of what we were able to work on 
over the weekend.

These treasures have been waiting for us 
through the winter.

Yes, it's my masked-man.

He's the best..
He's my *jillian*(he preferred the title of bob
He pushed me to get a few things finished when I wanted to quit.

Next week is reveal week for my bedroom...ready or not!

Be sure and hop on over to Faded Charm Cottage 
for White Wednesday.

be still my heart...

I have to say...
my heart is worried
my stomach is churning
tears are threatening....

today we are off for the next cardiologist appt.

Hebrews 4:16 
Let us then approach the throne of grace 
with confidence, 
so that we may
receive mercy and find grace 
to help us 
in our time of need.
You can have this confidence in God. Do not expect God to perform 
miracles for you so you can write books about them. Do not ever
be caught asking God to send you toys to play around with.

But if you are in trouble and concerned about your situation 
and willing to be honest with God, 
you can have confidence in Him. 
You can go to Him 
in the merit of His Son, claiming His promises, 
and He will not let you down. 
God will help you, and you will find the way of deliverance.
*—A.W. Tozer, Faith Beyond Reason, p.49*

It's one thing to have faith. 
But confidence suggests that whatever God
does, and however He may answer my prayer 
I know that His will is best.

this was in my inbox this morning...God is good.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

the rest of the story...

Here's the rest of my project

I wanted to create a special vignette
for the top of my dresser in my new bedroom.
First, I going to share all of the different elements:
It was important to me to have
special meaning
as well as
*my style*
~that's just how I am~
it has to be pretty

1. My always and forever tag
it was our song
see here for the rest of the story

2. my antique brooch from my grandmother
that I wore on my wedding dress

3. It's been awhile since I've shown this candlestick.
I have 4 of these and they are one of my most-prized possessions.
In our early-married days we were low on Christmas shopping money
my honey made me these out of scrap 2x4's from the woodpile.

I'll keep them always.

4. roses from my dearie

5.this photo...did you do these too?

If you love vintage...I bet you did!
This is a bit off-topic but don't ya love it?
I hope they're not scarred for life
this is just one of these that we had taken over the years.
We've had several done over the years...
this one was *before* we were married.

(shh-don't tell my kids...I'd so be mad if they did this)
But really...what a guy...he should'a run...he can't say he wasn't warned...
I love vintage!

5. my wedding ring and 25-year pearl ring
My guy bought it for me with his little bit of inheritance money from his mother.
At the time, I didn't fully appreciate it because it was during my dark time.
But now I love it...he spent his money on me!

6. and it wouldn't be complete without this
It is the foundation of us...

It took me hours...literally...
to get to where I wanted the arrangement to be...
I won't bore you with all of the tries...

so here it is finished

and here

It's the first thing I see in the morning.

My husband's Cardiologist appt. went well...he did good...the stress test showed the issue...he has atrial electrical problem that causes the rapid and irregular next we go to the *specialized-specialist* to see about getting it fixed...other than that his heart is in good shape!
I feel better!

My daughter is back home...tired and weak from her second surgery
in less than a week and  the excessive blood loss...
She is weak but HE is strong.
The long road to healing is beginning.
I am thankful for her little ones...
what a reason to get up in the morning!

Again, I thank you all for your love and support...I'm trying to get around to visit you all and thank you personally but I *can't* keep up with all of your sweetness:) blogger had issues on couple of those days so some of your comments *disappeared*... I don't know who those were...

Everyone please know how very thankful I am.

I'm joining Cindy today...

Have a great weekend...enjoy the sunshine...I'm going to.
We're going to tackle the pile of the furniture 
I left in the barn last fall.
Can't wait.