
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

be still my heart...

I have to say...
my heart is worried
my stomach is churning
tears are threatening....

today we are off for the next cardiologist appt.

Hebrews 4:16 
Let us then approach the throne of grace 
with confidence, 
so that we may
receive mercy and find grace 
to help us 
in our time of need.
You can have this confidence in God. Do not expect God to perform 
miracles for you so you can write books about them. Do not ever
be caught asking God to send you toys to play around with.

But if you are in trouble and concerned about your situation 
and willing to be honest with God, 
you can have confidence in Him. 
You can go to Him 
in the merit of His Son, claiming His promises, 
and He will not let you down. 
God will help you, and you will find the way of deliverance.
*—A.W. Tozer, Faith Beyond Reason, p.49*

It's one thing to have faith. 
But confidence suggests that whatever God
does, and however He may answer my prayer 
I know that His will is best.

this was in my inbox this morning...God is good.


  1. heart raised and prayer breathed heavenward <><


  2. Oh Rene,
    Thoughts and prayers are with you today as you take this next step in getting your hubby healthy. God IS good...all the time!!

  3. I hope everything works out for your husband and at least he knows there is a problem and can have it taken care of. My thoughts are with your family.
    (((HUGS))) Kelly

  4. Keeping you in my prayers and sending a {hug}.

  5. Thank you!! I so needed this. It has been such a tough year and a half for my family. Thank you for reminding me that God will always see you through!
    Have a great day.

  6. You and your DH are in my thoughts and prayers. May you feel the love, peace and healing of God surrounding you.


  7. Prayers are with you. I hope you get a good report.

  8. God is good !! he checked in miracles......he has the Power!!!

    Blessings and prayers for you and your husband ..........

    Big hug from me!!

  9. Hope the next appt went well. It is so comforting to know God makes no mistakes and has every moment of every day (and every challenge and illness, etc) planned out for us with His TLC.

    None the less I understand and feel your fluttering heart and churning stomach. I've been there and am often. Have to reclaim that faith constantly.

  10. Amen... Tozer always nails it, doesn't he? Amazing Grace and Unfaltering Faith... the recipe for freefalling into God's waiting hand of comfort and peace...
    Hugs to you.

  11. My prayers are with you. Blessings...

  12. Rene, you are so in my thoughts today. It is a very good thing they discovered the problem so they can treat it. My own husband is 58 and a received his first pacemaker at 45- he has heart block and atrial flutter. With the pacemaker and medication he is very healthy. We look back and know that God led us to discover the problem and have it treated before harm was done. I will be praying for your husband and your family in the days to come...XO

  13. sending thoughts and prayers! I hope that they can help your hubby and God will continue to look over all of this in his hands (as you have)!


  14. I have not been a very good blogging friend. Oh my goodness so much is going on in your life. I just want you to know that I will be in prayer for you and yours.

  15. Praying the Lord gives you His comfort and joy during this difficult season. Hugs.


  16. Count me in, sending prayers your way!
    Take care, Sue

  17. Rene, thought of you I write this tonite...praying for you and your husband! The Lord be with you!

  18. " HE is sufficient....for all my
    ( our) needs. "

    Being content with HIS decisions and HIS WILL time is what is the very hardest.

    So happy that things were not as serious as it could have been for your hubby.

    With Love, Rose

  19. Dear Rene',

    I understand how you are feeling, that fear is so awful, so hard to let go of, and contend with. All we can do is trust God. What you shared helped me so very much!!! Thank you! I love the wonderful quote and verse, that helped me too! So, thank you for sharing this and helping me even when you are going through a very difficult time. I am praying for your husband and for you! Love, Paula

  20. Rene,
    I was in a place much like you are with my husband in mid January for a month. We were told he had a large tumor in his only kidney. I wrote about how I wanted to "hold out my hands" (with my husband, our life together, everything) in my open hands and give them to Him. I could not believe how hard it was to uncurl my fingers and open my hands. This had hit us like a ton of bricks and yet...yet once my hands were fully open to Him handing Him every part of my life I hold dear, His Peace filled me completely. I woke up with songs of praise and went to sleep doing the same. God is Good. You and your husband are in my prayers and my heart. You are going in the right direction in getting him healty and letting God work His miracles of healing. Blessings,

  21. I love this post. If there is one thing for certain. One thing that we can is having confidence in God. He is who He says he is. He can do what He says he will do. His Word is Sure!!! I do not know what was the trial at this time but your heart posted where your confidence was. I am your newest follower. I hope you will take time out to visit my humble blog and follow along. Blessings and love this post!
