
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

updates, projects, and WW...

gosh, you're swell.
My honey's appt. went well...
(didn't mean to rhyme there)
the Dr. said it's not life-threatening
nice words when you're  at the heart Dr.
just annoying
(OK , we can deal with that)
the recommended treatment is catheter ablation
(inserting a catheter through a vein to fix the spot where the electrical impulse is coming from)

We're scheduled  for next Thursday

You know the worst thing about fear 
is what it 
It steals your today.
It steals your tomorrows.
It makes you afraid to dream. to plan
and I'm a planner.
I  get immobilized by fear.

I set my heart here:

Finally, brothers, whatever is true
whatever is noble, whatever is right
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy
think about such things. 
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, 
or seen in me—
put it into practice. 
And the God of peace will be with you.

Here's a little bit 
of what we were able to work on 
over the weekend.

These treasures have been waiting for us 
through the winter.

Yes, it's my masked-man.

He's the best..
He's my *jillian*(he preferred the title of bob
He pushed me to get a few things finished when I wanted to quit.

Next week is reveal week for my bedroom...ready or not!

Be sure and hop on over to Faded Charm Cottage 
for White Wednesday.


  1. Thanks for the reminder of these wise words of Truth! Fear can be crippling, but "Greater is He that is in you!"

    Can't wait to see your completed bedroom project! Based on what you have shared so far, I know it will be breath-taking!

    Happy White Wednesday!


  2. wonderful, precious news, dear friend. i'll continue in prayer!


  3. I'm glad it wasn't as bad as expected. The Lord takes good care of us! I'm a planner too and it's really hard when my plans are upset. Funny how my intentions don't match God's so many times, but thank goodness that He is in control. If He wasn't then we'd all be in big trouble. Have a great week and God bless.

  4. Rene ~ I so know what you mean about fear ~ I get crippled by fear especially when it comes to health issues ~ My mom had that done about a year ago and is doing amazing ~ She is so funny because she is in her 70's and walks 4 miles everyday, pick axes in her yard and does pretty much everything she wants ~ She actually had an aneurism near her heart and lived through it which does not happen ~
    It was a miracle very much and we praise God for it ~
    I have this verse posted everywhere right now because of some recent health stuff I am going through ~

    John 14:27 (New International Version)

    27Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

    I look at the mighty volcano right now and marvel at how God has created such awesomeness beyond our comprehension ~ Yet I fear !!

    Lots of hugs and prayers ~

  5. Glad to hear your heart is ok with just a little fixin. I hope you don't mind but I was wondering when your *jillian* is available to paint my two dressers. I think his way is going to be much faster than mine. HAHAHA I can't wait to see the finished product.

  6. I'm happy to hear that your hubby's appointment went well...and that the news was good.
    You're both in my prayers.
    Hugs, Debi

  7. I am so glad to hear that your husband will be able to be treated with the ablation! I know you will all be happy to have the procedure done! I will keep you in my prayers!

  8. So glad it was good news you received. And you are right about steals so much.

    That white vanity is almost exactly like the one I have(and it has been in my bedroom since I was born)...which makes it very precious to me.

  9. absolutely, sometimes the truth is all we have to hang on to!
    looking forward to the reveal, you had a busy weekend!

  10. So thankful your appointment and resulting news was better than anticipated. Prayers will continue for your family. Fresh white furniture is beautiful. I think your vanity is the one I had as a little girl and I loved it then too. Blessings...

  11. Love everything about your post tonight. Glad things are good in the doc category, love the pixs, but most of all, you "nailed it" with the quote about FEAR!! Thanks for sharing that and happy WW!
    Take care, Sue

  12. Glad the news wasn't terrible for your DH.

    Fear is definitely a stealer of our lives. Great scripture.

    Love all the work that you and your DH are doing, and am looking forward to your bedroom reveal.

    Have a lovely week ~ FlowerLady

  13. So right about fear taking control. Glad everthing turned out not too serious for your husband. Love the pic of him spraying all the furniture.

  14. Love all your hard work Rene. I need me a painter...ha ha! I have one, but we sure don't do it on that scale. Somedays I think it would be nice though. Loving your white chippy goodies!!

    SO wonderful to hear that your hubby's appointment went well.

  15. Fear works at you... you are so right if you let it succeed it takes what time you have away... I have dealt somewhat with that since my heart attack... You can't fall into that, but you have to work at it also...

  16. Yeah good news!! Love all those painted treasures and I can't wait to see your bedroom reveal (;

  17. Hey girlie dump out that teacup of fear and hold it up to God to fill it with peace, joy and love! You can do it! I love all your painted goodies! Hugs ,

  18. Very happy to hear the good news! Nothing better to look at than your honey all dressed up for you!! Lucky girl!

  19. I will keep your family in my prayers. Whe I feel fear I just try and keep really busy but I totally understand how you feel about it. On another note your furniture looks like it is going to be beautiful!
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  20. Fear. It gives clarity and knockes the wind out of you at the same time. I'll keep a prayer in my heart that a happy ending is in your future. Love the pieces that you've painted. I know the reveal will be fabulous.


  21. That's good, the ablation. My hubby's cannot be fixed that way, just medication and annoying when it flares up. He may need a little time to rest afterwards. So glad it can be "fixed." Keep looking up! Your photos are so beautiful.

  22. I totally agree with you about how fear steals precious moments of our lives. It's so difficult to replace it with faith, isn't it! How difficult to remember that all we ever have is this moment and to live IN it.
    Thank you for the reminder!

  23. Ohh, Can I borrow your jillian????
    lol... what a wonderful helper and supporter you have.
    I am so glad the heart condition is not SO serious, yet it is serious enough to give concern to his woman....
    I always catch myself whenever I feel the fear rising up in me beginning to tighten my body and soul...and say..."Julie, Your being anxious about this is your saying you doubt God's ability to handle it perfectly and wonderfully for your good.... (gasp) that always makes me step back and hold the fear up (again....) and give it to God and tell Him I DO trust HIM and ask Him to forgive my human weakness. (He knows this and knows us and is SOOO gracious.) Nothing is out of God's control....NOTHING! :-)
    Those whom He loves so dearly He will take excellent, eternal care of. Hugs to you. Loved the visit and photos. The flowers are beautiful.

  24. So blessed to hear the news! "Perfect love casts out all fear" - my mom reminded me that this life of faith is on of practice, practice, practice. Practicing and holding on to the truths each moment of the day-

    bee blessed

    PS I didn't get the comment about you painting your wood work. I am taking a break from the dining room as I am in a quandary as what to do so am moving on- there's the ADD in me again!~

  25. Dear Rene',
    I am so thankful that it is not life-threatening! I will continue to pray for him! Thank you so much for what you shared about fear. I have been struggling with that so much lately and what you said is so true! I am just like you, I love to dream and plan, I am a planner, and I get immobilized by fear too. Thank you for sharing your heart and the verse! Once again you have helped me. God is so good!

    I loved seeing all the furniture your "Jillian" is painting for you! It is really beautiful! I can hardly wait to see your bedroom! I loved all the beautiful photos in this post and the previous one too, forgot to mention that in my other comment! :)

    Love, Paula

  26. Rene'...Praise God! Wonderful words!! And a wonderful verse you shared as well. It seems we've got to keep our eyes on the Lord during the walks through the Valley of the Shadow sometimes...remember to have a shadow there has to be a light somewhere...Look to the light and keep your mind on Him! So glad for your good news!!! Blessings!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. So good to hear things are looking up a little for you and your family.

    Looks like you've got some great furniture pieces. When is your next sale?

    Take care and hope you are able to spend some quality time with your family.


  28. Dearest Rene,
    Hi! We are your newest followers! (Me and the Pixies)
    Now I know what heaven will look like because I am sure this blog is a little piece of it! I have never seen such beautiful images, I love your handiwork- especially since I just last week decided that EVERYTHINg in my home is going to be painted white.
    I also can't believe you get your husband to suit-up and paint all your furniture! lol
    Have a lovely White Wednesday!
    Sparkly Hugs,
    Tobi and the Pixies
    (We will be doing our first white wednesday on my other blog

  29. You will all continue to be in my prayers...the "think on" verses are what I needed to hear today~ Thank you...God Bless..XO

  30. Rene, found you through another blog. Your pictures are beautiful. I appreciate your words and sharing your heart. Fear is of the Enemy, our God is bigger than all of our fears. You are a blessing....debbie

  31. Wow! I neeeeeded that message today. How perfectly perfect. Thank you Jesus. :-)

    Love that furniture and cannnnot wait to see the finished room

    Warm blessings,

  32. I'm jealous...I need a super hero to do my painting for me. I'm lovin' your whites girl.
    Good luck on your husbands procedure!

  33. You are going blanc de blanc with that furniture for sure. Wow, how great to have such a painter. Re your DH -- many of us have been through this and it sounds like you're wringing out that bad guy fear. Way to go. -- Jane F.

  34. I know what you mean about fear. Another verse that helps me is:

    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

    Take care,

  35. will be praying for your hubby and you....I had heart ablation about 10 years ago.....

  36. Hi Renee,
    Love your photography, stunning! I, like you love vintage and giving new energy to old items.
    Sounds like you have a heaven sent marriage!
    God Bless you and thanks for visiting my blog,

  37. Bee-u-tee-fulness! :)


  38. I'm happy to hear that your hubby's appointment went well. My BIL in Las Vegas just had the same procedure done and he is already back at work. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
    Happy to see some of your new pieces getting the paint treatment:) I am especially interested in the one in the middle of the vanity and cupboard in the last photo :)

  39. So glad to hear that your hubby's appointment went well. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Lee Laurie

  40. I had to live with a lot of fear over a long (LONG!) period of time - and after all that, I am sure (SURE!) that He loves us and cares for us each and every day.

    Hugs for you and your sweetie!

  41. I am beyond thrilled to have come across your oh-so-beautiful blog. I'm going to take my sweet time going through every single post....fa la la LA! :)

  42. Rene,
    I have been thinking & praying for you. I am so relieved to hear it is not life threatening. Yes, fear is the worst. I had a horrible time a couple years back. Lost so many in such a short period of time. The fear was palpable. I think I still have knots in my neck & shoulders from the stress of it all. Our lives are so perfect, we are going along enjoying our families, homes & then BAM. Overnight things can change. And we pray. I'm happy things are better now. It looks like you've stayed busy in spite of it all. I can't wait for the reveal. Your blog is truly an inspiration to me. Lisa

  43. I love your blog. I've gone back through many posts - I love your love of God, your colors, how you put things out there - sometimes hard things. I have a very hard time sharing the bad things although I love my blog and my blogging friends. I will be following you. I hope all is well with your husband and that your dear daughter depends on your strength of character and God's precious love to carry her through this. Diane

  44. Oh anticipation I can't wait to see
    It will only be breathtaking I am sure.

  45. Hello Rene
    What a wonderful gift we have been given the internet you are on the other side of the world too me we have never meet and yet i feel as though i have know you forever.I am so touched by your words you write I get so inspired when i read and look at your pic's on your Blog.I too love your roses but i truly love your home.Thank you for being apart of my life.

  46. It all sounds so similar to what we just went through. My husband was told it was an electrical heart function problem. How interesting. So thankful that he is going to be fine.

    On good days, I claim the same verse that you shared. When I do it brings me peace and calmness. What precious promises we have to claim.

    Your transformed furniture pieces just make me smile. I want one of everyone of them:)

  47. prayers for your peace. The furniture look lovely. Gotta love a masked man!

  48. Praising the Lord with you for the good report. Fear can rob us of so much and the peace God gives can give us more than we can imagine possible. ~Adrienne~

  49. Good news.....!

    One of the wisest things anyone said to me ( because I too am a world class worrier) this :-
    I REFUSE to worry about things over which I have NO CONTROL"...and it has changed me a lot.
    I am still fighting being negative about some things...but I don't worry as much as I use to.


  50. Beautiful post on what fear can do. How many times I have to say, "God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of peace and a sound mind", to remember who is giving us the fear. Like walking on the water, once we take our eyes off Him, we sink. So happy to hear your husband's report. Will be praying on Thursday. God Bless,
