
Sunday, April 25, 2010

save the drama for yo' mama...

oh, ya
I am the mama...

To say that emotions are running high around here 
would be an understatement.

We are 3 girls and 1 guy living under this roof.

emotions abound

first, there's my fear... I convince myself  my husband is dying...
then there's Miss G missing her guy and her being sure they're never going to be able to get married...
and the girl youngin'  being...well, just being 13.

Boundaries,  Misunderstandings, and Faith convos.

  last night it came.  my meltdown.
I ranted...I raved...I cried...
I went to bed discouraged and exhausted from it all...
and this morning was not much better.

I  want it all to stop...
to have a be happy... to have  everyone get along.... to communicate accurately and honestly...
to be happy.
But what I need 
is a change of heart.
To see
 that these challenges 
are opportunities.
(Thanks Leslie)
to walk in grace

to depend fully on God for strength and joy
to examine my heart for selfish motives
to live this life on purpose.

  1. When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
    When sorrows like sea billows roll; 
  2. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well, with my soul.

  3. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
  4. Let this blest assurance control,
  5. That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
  6. And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
  7. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! 
  8. My sin, not in part but the whole,
  9. Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
  10. And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
    The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
    The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
    Even so, it is well with my soul.
  11. It is well, with my soul,
  12. It is well, it is well, with my soul.

After a great time of worship
some good family time
 a nap 
and even a  fun photo shoot...
things are calm again.  
We love, we forgive, we go on.
We acknowledge 
we are girls
that maybe, just maybe, 
 emotions can run wild.

This act is now over...


  1. Beautiful reminders of faith and peace...I think it's healthy for emotions to "run wild" once in a while--no good keeping it all pent up inside! As long as there's love and kindness at the other end, of course!

    Hope you have a peaceful week ahead...

  2. Hi Rene~ we all have days like this...this too shall pass... XO

  3. Oh dear lady....having raised my three teenage girls....I KNOW OF WHAT YOUR SPEAK....what a time we had...and not always fun I will tell you that.
    Julie is right do not "stuff and store" those emotions...they can eat you alive.
    SATAN is at his EVIL, LYING BEST when we are weak and tired and discouraged..he loves it when this happens..and runs "roughshod" over us and our emotions.
    I go to bed each night and softly hum the song " Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..the SWEETEST name I know...Master, Savior, the fragrance after the rain...kings and kingdoms shall all pass away..but there is something about that name. "....
    And then pray about my day..and my family and friends...and fall asleep.
    It is so very calming for me.

    Hope it works for you.


    With Love,


  4. Your post touched me so close to my daily life. Sometimes my own fear can overtake me....and I cry out to the Lord to give me His peace. I am sorry you are going through some difficult time...but He is Able.

  5. Thank you for your reminding us of peace and faith. it's not always so easy and each of us does have days like this...
    I've going thru a very time time time for quite a long time so far and having someone special like to you to remind me of peace, faith and also hope at the end of the path is priceless to me.
    may your days be blessed with peace.

  6. Yes yes !! it's over now Renee...................think positive !! pray to the Lord !!................have a happy happy new week !! darling................enjoy............hugs and blessings from Ria

  7. Rene ~ What a lovely post on being human and in trusting in God. I love that old hymn and that scripture verse too.

    Hope your day, week is a good one.

    Love, hugs and prayers to you, your DH and your 3 girls.


  8. Hi Rene' ~ I think it is better to get your feelings out than to keep them bottled up! Love is forgiving and understanding. Keep busy creating and sharing with us to help pass the time!

  9. My Mom has a sign that hangs in her kitchen "If Mama ain't happy...ain't nobody happy" true it is. I agree...we need to let the emotions go and you certainly have had your share these past few weeks with all the things happening in your family. Sending prayers and hugs on the upcoming appointment for hubby...and may you have a more peaceful week! :)

  10. What a beautiful and honest post. That is one of my favorite songs...the verses are so true and promising..just like God's word. Sometimes we have to run to our hiding place, under the shelter of His wings...then He renews and strengthens us.
    So glad everything is all well now.

  11. Oh Rene prayers going up for you dear friend. There is only hubby and I living in this house and somedays it gets pretty interesting. My sister (a pastor's wife) once said that she just doesn't understand why God made men and women so different and then expected them to live together in the same house in peace! LOL Somedays I wonder the same thing, but God is always faithful and brings us through the trying times.

  12. I hear you...
    Life can sometimes feel like a roller coaster for us hormonal, emotionally driven, relationally connected FEMALES!!! Seems like it is a WILD CHAOS going on sometimes..and to think of multiples of this in a home...God help the MEN!! lol..
    but God made us, and it is GOOD...and come what may in all that mix, it is working it out together that makes us sisters in the Lord and family that is strong.
    It is the tough things we battle in that make us strong and stick like glue, if our hearts are pure to be what God wants us to be...oh yeah...HE knows. Thanks for such a transparent post . WE women out here identify! God is good. He gives us the strength to get through it with victory! :-) HUGS.

  13. We sang that song in church yesterday....I long to sing it with my whole heart and to sing it without tears. In heaven, I guess!

  14. Dear Rene`,
    I am so glad you are doing better! I loved all of the beautiful images you shared and your beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing your heart so openly. I love the verse on the little plaque~ resting in the Lord, committing our way to Him and trusting Him are the very best things we can do. Only He can give us the peace our hearts and minds need! Praying all will continue to go well for you and your dear ones! Love, Paula

  15. Rene, you are so good at keeping it real! I'm finding the teenage years a little like uncharted territory...
    Still we keep going day by day, doing our best and trusting God to make up for when we mess up:-)

  16. So glad things are better~ I guess we all have days like these~here I was convinced it was just me..thanks for the reminder of faith~ Have a wonderful week...

  17. I love the story behind this amazing song.

    My kids are grown now and peace has returned to my home. I miss their humor and antics and wonder what it was that stressed me out...

    Oh was Brandon...

    and Adrienne!


    Love to you girl. Beautiful post.


  18. Love that song ... it has great meaning for me related to different times in my life. Glad you are doing better and past the "storm" for now. Sounds like God has met you and you have a better view today ... hang in there, one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.

  19. Rene,
    Oh this post brought back so many memories. Growing up it was my Mother, my sister & I. You want to talk about drama! If we could have bottled the energy from the hormones raging through that house it could have powered NYC! Being family means that even after meltdowns all is well. The love runs very deep indeed. I'm thinking of you girl, hope things are getting better in your beautiful home. Lisa

  20. Oh sweetheart we all struggle, this is when God his loving hand on us and wants us to let him work... sometimes when it rains in my world it does for days...sigh... and then there is a beautiful rainbow for me to see and say oh yes there it is my lesson and peace...gentle peace. Let God fill up your cup! Hugs Hugs and more hugs,

  21. Ah but what would be girls and women without lots of emotions. I hope all turned out well. Thank you for stopping by to check out my blog. I am kind of a can go person, don't tell me I can't because I will look at the situation 10 different ways till I figure out how I am going to do it. Have a wonderful day.

  22. When I think of the circumstances under which the gentleman who wrote the words to that song, I know real, true peace is available to me too.
    I so understand the concept of three females living under one roof. I am a mother of three grown daughters.
    There were times when I thought we just might not make it through, and we did. You will too. I have no doubt. Isn't it funny, that when our focus is right, the peace is there. I love how you share your heart so candidly. It is refreshing. And, I love the words to that beautiful song.

  23. Rene it's so hard not to worry. That's just human nature and comes naturally. But thank God that he is in control! I pray he will provide you His daily grace to get through these days. Hang in there girl!

  24. So sorry you are having a rough time right now. It's okay to have meltdowns. I think that's how we stay sane sometimes. Tomorrow's always another day.

    Take care,


  25. I love that song! And the story that goes behind it is such a reminder of God's love and faithfulness is difficult times. I find myself singing this many times through out my days! The other chorus that I sing is "not my will by Thine, Not my will but THine. Not my Will but Thy will be done Lord in me . May thy spirit divine, fill this being of mine. Not my will, but thy will. be done Lord in me."

    bee blessed

  26. You may rant and rave but you still have a gorgeous blog and you ended it so well. Love the song, too. Diane

  27. My Mother just used the words of Family Force Five. Yikes. :) Love you Mom!
