Sunday, April 27, 2008

Are we having fun, yet?

I don't know how many of you gals
have done this sorta thing before


It is a LOT of work!

What were we thinking?

It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the
complete overhaul of the garage.
How come it is soo hard to get that paint color

from your mind to the paint chip to the wall?

Honey, please can we try again?

It is a time of challenge,
of setting prioities,

of letting my ideals go.

of remembering what is really important.

In the middle of this maddness, my youngest, Abigail (who does NOT get all the pressure) decides she wants to build a "kitty hospital" for the upcoming arrival of kittens. So, after Daddy takes time to help her with that, she must now paint it! I can NOT imagine! Then not any paint , or the paint that is in the paint gun but a color she likes and one that will not offend the boy kittens (her way of not being too girly!)

Just who's daughter is this anyway?!!!

Only 6 days left...I'm telling my vendors it is like Christmas, you plan, you work, and you work some more (like all night), you really are not ready but here it is so you stop, you enjoy and you celebrate!

So keep on going, remember that God is love, and all is good.

Whatever you do ,
work at it with all of your heart,
as working for the LORD...
Col. 3:23

Monday, April 14, 2008

speaking of that...

Being doers, that is.
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.
DO what it says.
James 1:22
This was part of the teaching on Sunday.
God is so good to speak to us,
right where we are.
We had a weekend full of glorious sun!
Lots of work and laughter
provided by brothers coming to help us with our project.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

the shop...

The shop that love built...

love being my husband, of course.

He has been working soo hard for me.

My husband and son-in-law discussing plans
was it the March Maddnes basketball?

My two boys..gotta love 'em
How did they get to be grown men?

A good weekend~
just like old times.

All of us working together-

My best memories ~working together.
On a project.
As a family.

Our progress by the end of the weekend-
gotta keep working

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Here are some more photos of the Molly~Mo's sale.
I just love her space.
For those of you city folks this might be a common place to frequent
but for this country girl it was quite a treat!

We just don't have places like this to shop here.

Isn't this just the cutest counter?

I want my shop to look like this.

Remember this shot?

This is what it now looks like.

WE have been busy getting ready for the next Miss Gracie's & Friends Sale.

My husband thought we should redo this garage to be my work/show space. Right now the roof leaks and it is the eyesore of the place.

He has been building the trusses~we are scheduled for a work party Saturday to put them up.

Only 4 weeks until sale time-do you think I can get what is in my mind to completion? I'll keep you updated on the progress!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Yesterday was a fun day!
I was so giddy I could hardly stand it!

First, my daughter called to tell me she found this on Craigslist.

I ordered this from wren cottage6.

I'm going to put it in my new work/show space.

I am soo excited~I love it!

Then we went to the shop to deliver furniture.I had a record month of sales!
Now, let's just see if I can keep up!

While we were out,

We went to see a local college production of
Pride & Prejudice.
A close friend played the part of Charlotte.

Best of all!

We got some exciting news.

The most amazing,

the most wonderful,

the most unbelievable news.

BUT I can't tell you, yet.

Yes, it was a very good day!