Monday, October 27, 2008

"special days"

A good friend told me as we *mature*

we get to have special days instead of birthdays!

Well, I had a very special day last week...

The roses (aren't they pretty?)

are from the dear husband.

I've been wanting this movie-I love the mixture of

humor, drama and romance!

It's been fun watching a little segment every night.

My bestest friend, Gayle spoiled me.

She had a little surprise dessert get together.

She has a blog on hospitality-she is hospitality!

Her daughter ( her Gracy) put together this little friendship book-


of friendship and old lace.

Gayle is truly a sister to me~I am blessed.Gayle made this collaged hatbox for me- very sweet, dont'cha think?

Then she made me this necklace-I love it!

Pink roses and sparkles!

What else it there?

special days


joyh82 said...

How wonderful to be spoiled like that! Hope you had a great special day!

Seawashed said...

A special day indeed. Happy happy! I too love that rose necklace Gayle made you. How fun to see the old pic of you two. And I love the Cranford movie series too. What a great gift.

sherry said...

Such precious, meaningful gifts...

Happy Birthday.

Maison Douce said...

Happy belated "special day"!!! Your gifts were just lovely!