
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

white collages...

White Wednesday

I thought I would go through 
find some collages that I have done
with photos of my home. 

A few pillows that I tried my hand at

My rosepoint Sunday-best dinner  dishes

 My laundry room

fluffing the nest for Easter

white roses

lace...what's better?

we love to paint


from my bedroom

a peek into my barn sale

I hope you are  having a great week,
we are  partially on spring break...
linking to White Wednesday

Sunday, March 25, 2012

six on sunday...


Here's a peek into my week.

1. Temperatures were in the 70's over the weekend.
Crazy, huh?
The snow melted :)
the sunshine called me outside
to work in my flowerbeds.

I found a few of these
(my favorite spring flower)

Now faith

is being sure of what we hope (expect) for
certain of what we do not see.
Heb. 11:1

2. My entry is progressing.
Step 1: complete

yep, that is My Mr.  hanging wallpaper 
yep, we are crazy.
yep, it  is  was really hard to do.
yep, I love it.
(soon, I will be back to show you more, I'm still trying to put it all back together)

3.  I've been helping Mrs G with her nursery.
I can't show you, yet.
It's gonna  be cute!

here's some of  what we are working with

It is fun to watch my girls find their own style 
and create their own homes.
Not their mama's. 
I 'm the painter
...and am trying to keep my mouth shut...
I wonder how I 'm doing at that:)
4.  We been watching a bit a lot of college basketball.
We are a March Madness family.
March Madness means 
family get-togethers and good food.
 What's not to love?


5. TAXES...again.  didn't I just finish 2010?  
Remember what I said about this last year?
Start earlier and get help...
That did not happen.  
The clock is ticking.

6.  Today's teaching was on mercy.

 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Matthew 5:7

mercy- NOT getting what we DO deserve.

 For that I am thankful.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I've been wanting to see 
how my newly painted white house
would look in the snow.

I didn't think 
I would have to wait
 until the first day of spring.

go figure.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

next up...

It's time for a new project.
Remember, I am on a mission to finish this house 
and get the piles outta here.
I know, I know
this is so last  year...(read all about it)
I am still pluggin' away; baby steps for sure.

My next project is my entry.
This is what it looked like  a few weeks ago.

It has become the landing spot for all of the leftovers...
So, it was the next logical choice.

The front porch (to the left) is the one area 
we didn't get finished last fall 
when working on the outside of the  house.
It is the priority for the summer, 
as well as sprucing up the landscaping.

No one uses our front door...we want to change that.

Back to the fine morning,...(I blame it on my exercise class...I came home feeling like I could conquer the world)...
I (impulsively) started ripping  wallpaper  off.

(Insert a word of encouragement here:  if you are ever hanging wallpaper...DO your prepwork...use oil-base made ALL the difference...I had that top floral paper off in 2 myself!)

By the end of the week, I was here...
paper off and walls painted.
Painted white, of course.

which will lead me to my next post....
To paint or NOT to paint. 
I know, another teaser...
You'll have to come on back.

Thanks bunches for your sweet words of encouragement with my last is so encouraging to know that you all really would think that after this many years, we would *get* it.  We did have a nice, relaxing weekend to you soon.

White Wednesday @ Faded  Charm 
Tuesday Cowgirl Up @ The Farmhouse Porch 
Cozy Home Scenes
Knick of Time Tuesday @ Knick of Time
Tuesday's Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
What's It Wednesday @ Ivy and Elephants
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
Farmhouse Friday @ Laurie Anna's Vintage Home
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
PRIMP Your Stuff @ (PRIMP)
Thriftin' on a Thursday @ Savvy City Farmer
Inspiration Friday @ At The Picket Fence
Potpourri @ 2805 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


that 's how many years 

we've been man and wife

I love this picture of us.

more than any other ever  taken

I see so much love and joy in my husband's face.

We are truly at peace with each other.

I wish I could say that we have it all figured out

and that everyday is like that moment


it is 


There are many days when I see this face

I see a man with sad eyes.

 My heart breaks for him

and misses the man he used to be.

(his story is told here~he lost his twin brother to suicide)

Then there are the days when I am not the wife I should be.

I may be a bit too opinionated.

In fact, we are having a hard time of it right now.

Last year I wrote this post.

I have gone back to read it 1, 2 , many times

over the past year.

to encourage me.

 Love is  always will be a choice.

I love this man


I count him as one of my greatest gifts.

I always hesitate to write a post like this. 

 I want to be real

want to share my life with you. 

 my real life.  

I don't want you


think for one minute

 that it is all white paint and roses over here.  

And that all I  do is  dream up a project 

and that my 

husband does it.  

No, we are real people with real feelings that 

often get hurt, 

real people with tempers that often are set off,

and real people that desperately need a Savior.  

A real Savior to teach us grace, forgiveness and mercy.

And so today, even though we are struggling,

I give thanks...because...

all is grace.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

what's old is new...

or how I took all of my old stuff
and used it in a new way.
kitchen 2012

Before we get started
let's review 
what I was going for:

-that almost goes without saying
WHITE-lots of it
LACE-a bit here and there
WOOD-to warm things up
PRIMITIVE-a touch but not too country
NEUTRALS-gotta have ironstone and tea-stain, too

 Let's start here.
This is where I spend most of my time:
doing dishes!
First, we  removed the cabinet doors under the sink.
Yes, I got the look.
the areyoucrazy look
We'll just say I pulled out the
 it's my christmas present  card.
 After I reassured My Mr. that the doors  would be safe
that we could always put them back on if we wanted to,
he willing obliged.

Next, I unburied my sewing machine.
We tried to act like we've always been bff's
but let's just say it was awkward at times.
Hats off to those of you that sew...
I'll take a paint brush.
I made the curtain and the ruffle (you are impressed, aren't you?) 
out of a dropcloth 
and installed it with one of those spring-ey type curtain rods.  
I found mine at our old-fashioned hardware store.
I also had  My Mr. remove those double faux fake panels under the sink and cut me a single piece.
 I applied a glazed rose applique' from my supply stash.

The hardware matches my pantry and was found on ebay.

Moving to the right are my glass cabinets.
I have narrowed down 
my everyday dishes  
to  vintage white.
Are you surprised?

The dishes got a little lost with the white background
so we  My Mr.
 cut a thin board  to fit the back of the cabinet.
I covered it with  leftover  embossed  wallpaper, 
 painted a base coat of my wall color,
 glazed it with walnut stain.

Oh, more lace.
I do love me some old lace.

I love this piece of chippy rusty metal.
I found it at The Shabby House.

My BAKERY sign that I made

 to the left of the sink
 is  the pantry 

in case you missed it
you can read about my pantry project



aww...chippy, brown ironstone
I already had it hanging there with the rusty fencing
I think it shows up even better now.

The ceiling is covered 
with an embossed paintable wallpaper
that looks like  tin ceiling 
painted with high gloss paint.

the chandy
was hanging in the barn for the barn sales

another "pleeeaaase, it's my christmas present,
 won'tcha  please put it in here?
It will be easy."

See the fridge?

Those things are hard to hide...
I have always wanted to have a built-in fridge.
This one really is too big for the space.
It is the one we had when we moved in
and it just keeps on a-runnin'

I'm saving my pennies for one 
of those 
fancy-schmancy french-style ones
in a 30 or 32 inch size..then we'll build it in.

Here's the top of the fridge.


I've had this baking powder sign for 25 years.
My Mr. uncovered it in a wall 
 in one of our first homes.
 It's kind of special.

I think it is perfect.

The high chair is from my grandmother.
My babies used to sit in it 
when we went to her home for dinner.

 rust, lace, numbers and roses

I loved how this corner turned out.

A few of my favorite things

more chippy white

before and after

I traded out the buffet for the dark wood piece
It was in the barn...I use it for a display piece for the sales.

Did you notice that I finally put that  rose print IN a frame?
This gorgeous frame was stashed in the hallway to my bedroom.
Doesn't everyone have a stash of picture frames lining their hallway? 

 a sweet trivet found thrifting
advertising a bakery from a small neighboring town
one of my  rose teapots
my perfectly rusty birdcage

a few answers to some questions that have been asked:

1. curtain rings found at wal-mart

2. the wood countertops
island: oak  slab/food-grade epoxy clear
we put that on for durability
pantry : pine / polyurethane clear finish
this area won't get much use or water
the main countertops are still formica with a wood edge

I am in love with my kitchen...I have only purchased a few items...
mostly it was paint and re-arranging and using what I had in a new way. 
 There are still a few things that I want to do...
aren't there always?  

linking up:

White Wednesday @ Faded  Charm 
Tuesday Cowgirl Up @ The Farmhouse Porch 
Cozy Home Scenes
Knick of Time Tuesday @ Knick of Time
Tuesday's Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
What's It Wednesday @ Ivy and Elephants
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
Farmhouse Friday @ Laurie Anna's Vintage Home
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
PRIMP Your Stuff @ (PRIMP)
Thriftin' on a Thursday @ Savvy City Farmer
Inspiration Friday @ At The Picket Fence