
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

so whatdoya think?

 Guess what we're starting this weekend? 

Are  you surprised ?
My lady is getting a face-lift.

It is time for the painters to paint their own home.
(you know, kinda like the cobbler's children having no shoes)

She has been green for 10 years 
and  the house we lived in before was green,  too.
I am ready for something new.
simple, fresh, and pretty

I  want to love it
and not choose anything too trendy.
Nor too sub-division-ey.

I want to fit her style. 

 We have narrowed it down to

I have always been a painted lady kind of girl
so the thought of me doing 
just white 
is definitely going out of my box.
I want to accent her lines and architecture
there will be no more stripes and other such busy-ness

Are her  textures enough to add interest? 

white  says vintage farmhouse 
that is where my style is going

this one is my favorite
I'm leaning towards the white,
can you tell?

a little photo-editing
to see what it might look like

 white (almost)


so what do ya think?
linking to white wednesday...
Happy 4th if I don't talk to you again.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

my (white) super bowl...

a few days before my
when I began  to work on my vignettes
and making various and numerous requests 
of my very handy Mr.
(like moving my crystal chandies-what's a chandy, he wanted to know)

I informed him...this is  my super bowl
my opportunity to give it all I've got
to play like I've never played before
 this he could understand

so here is  my playing field

before and after

The sale was my best ever
the best in sales 
the  best in all of the before-hand stuff
(remember this post?)
we worked better together
mom (me) was happier 
and as you know
when mom is happier
everyone is happier
I was able to set up more  displays and details
than in the past 
not all that were in my head
but more
most things were priced
so all in all
it was good
darn good

this is what I snagged from a fellow vendor
isn't it wonderful?
I have no idea what I am going to do with it
 betcha you are all tired of sale posts
and ready for me to move on
I am ready to move on.
I need to catch up
on laundry, dishes, clutter,
I am ready to enjoy my summer
with my girl-young-in 
my Mr.


Work  is a blessing[YES! A BLESSING!]

God has so arranged the world
that work is necessary
and He gives us hands and strength to do it. 
The enjoyment of leisure would be nothing if we had 
only leisure. It is the joy of work well done 
that enables us to enjoy rest, just as it is the 
experiences of hunger and thirst that make food and 
drink such pleasures. - 

Discipline: The Glad Surrender
Elisabeth Elliot 

I loved the work of the past few weeks...the progress...the creativity...the pulling it all together.
and now  am loving  rest....

I will share photos of the sale for WW


Saturday, June 18, 2011

the blog post

 in which the pictures say it all

 2 hours
that's how long it took
to get  from photo 1 to photo 2
 if i would have been thinking
i would have shown you 2 hours before
not so pretty

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

my new business cards
designed by my mrs g
aren't they perfectly lovely?
only 3 more days to work
if you  count friday
the sale begins at 6:00 pm  friday evening
so i figure i can get a full 12 hours in before opening
I'm averaging 22,000 steps  a day per my pedometer
it 's a long way to that  barn for these short legs
I'm  hot, I'm tired, I'm covered in dust, 
I'm having a blast
the creativeness just won't stop
but sad to say there are no previews yet
everything is still here, there and everywhere
Thank you all for your sweet words
of support and encouragement.
I soak 'em in, I really do.
I really want to add a white wednesday photo
so here it is...

an original photo  of my home...and there's the barn, too

and now.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


 here are a few shots
of the promised bouquet
of peonies

 you may ask
when do i have time to play with flowers?

 i don't

life is too stinkin' short, dang-it

the peonies will be gone before i know it

 i might have have disaster all around  me
i do
there might not be a clear spot on the counter
there isn't
my hair might be a mess
it is 
i have beauty

 this quote has been taped onto our upstairs bathroom mirror 
ever since my oldest daughter 
was still here at home..
in  her handwriting...
~ that is beauty ~

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

random bits of happy...

white wednesday, too.

Bits and pieces from my week that made me smile.

1. My barn is full of white furniture.
It has been quite the process to get things painted this year
the weather has not cooperated.
We have sprayed 
about 8 1/2 gallons 
of white paint in the last couple of weeks.

That's just  paint, not the primer and  top coat.

2. My asics running shoes.

Yesterday, I was  about to have  having a meltdown.
you know the kind;
i'mcrazywhatdoithinki'mdoinganywayi'mnevergoingtogetitfinished kind

I stopped, went to the gym, ran 2 miles
the difference was a-ma-zing
both in energy and perspective
I was good-to-go for another 5 hours.
I love exercise.
Did I just say that?
never underestimate the power of endorphins.

3. My peonies are in bloom
I'm going to get me a bouquet.

4. My home is full of baby kitties.
 We  have 4 of our own;
as if that weren't enough
we found this wild white one 
in the barn
and have taken to taming it.

5. My girl and I taking a break from all of the work
to have a photo shoot of the baby white kitty
in honor of white wednesday.

6. My Mr. bought me  this hand sander.
Weighing in at just under 3 pounds,
my hand, arm , and  wrist is thanking  him.
He does know the way to my heart.

just like my mother... stupid houses kept me awake all night

7. My newly married girl put this status update on facebook.
(They had been looking at houses over the weekend with the  realtor)
guilty as charged
and I don't care who knows it.

8.  My first roses
I forgot how wonderful they smell

9. My Mr. and my girl 
 have both said that the sale prep is going better this year.
We are meeting our goals.
*that means I am not so stressed*
You can read about it here.
We are starting the final push...I am getting excited.
I hope to give  you all a sneak peek soon..
Until then, have a great week!
Linking to White Wednesday.
Thanks, Kathleen for featuring me!