
Saturday, June 18, 2011

the blog post

 in which the pictures say it all

 2 hours
that's how long it took
to get  from photo 1 to photo 2
 if i would have been thinking
i would have shown you 2 hours before
not so pretty


  1. It was an amazing sale! I had no idea that showing up right at 6:00 was actually showing up late! I saw you running around but didn't want to bother you because you were so busy! I got some great stuff and had such a wonderful time walking around looking at all the pretty goodies! Can't wait for the next one!!


  2. I lovest the coffee table with all the drawers in it...
    I am drawn to anything with drawers in it...
    Lovely pictures, and I love, love, love your blog...
    don't work too hard.

  3. wowie zowie!!! That sure looks like a successful sale! Congrats, now I bet you could use a little r&r... I hope you get it! xoxo

  4. Looks all beautiful. HUGS MARY

  5. did you get that sold everything so fast?
    I think that's great.....
    love greetings

  6. Oh Rene, that's wonderful, so great to sale out of so much in only 2 hours.... I can see why everything looked beautiful!!!
    hugs~~ Daphne

  7. Oh what lovely things...I knew it would go fast!! Is it safe to assume the sale was a big success?!

  8. sure wish i lived closer.
    i'd have emptied that space.
    and put all of it in my
    car and been a happy camper
    for sure and for certain.

    you did ***well***!!!!!
    congrats to rene'!!!

  9. I love the coffee table Rene! Perfect!

  10. It just is a lot of hard work and my thoughts are starting to go towards... my bones are getting too old for all this!
    Bless you

  11. Wow Rene you had quite the successful sale!! So happy for you. Made all that work worth it right? :)

  12. Hello Rene, I once was a success and if I had lived closer, I would have bought these tables you are! ji, ji,. well worth the wait and the preparations! greetings, Rose Marie

  13. Oh my, that was fast!!! I want that coffee table!!!
    Glad it went so well!!!
    Margaret B

  14. IF I "read" the pictures correctly, it was a huge success!

  15. Well if it is any consolation it looks remarkable, beautiful and wonderful!!!! Love it!

  16. Anxious to see more!

  17. WAHOOO...Looks successful and then some. Wish I could have been there!

  18. Dear rene,
    your photos are so beautiful
    many greetings form austria.

  19. Oh my gosh, Love the pictures and all that furniture, too much eye candy!
    Have a wonderful first day of summer!
    XXX Ido

  20. Congratulations on your great sale ! I'm not surprised , you had some great stuff !

  21. Hello Friend, Thank You for your comment at my blog ! Oh your pics & words are such a joy to me! Please always know you never ever have to comment back. I love it but please put me way back there ,ok. Take that time for creating something for you! I just enjoy your blog so much & the sales posts I love it as much as I love to create I also love to sell! I am so excited I am getting a little shop out at our very busy flea market !!!! I used to be there & left for a few years & now I'm back across from my old building ! I get to play house as I call it . Or I could call it shop & I am so EXCITED!!!!! I have been painting up a storm & getting ready. July 18 is my first sale date ! Say a prayer for me! I so hope I get some flower loving ladies out to shop from me. Your pics inspire me BIG TIME!!!! Big Hugs , & happy rest & work to you friend! Hugs, Rhonda
