
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

books and bottles...

This week's whites include
what I've been working on
 for the barn sale and for the shop

I have had a stash of bottles and books
a long time.

waiting for me 
to get up enough gumption 
to try

once I got started I had a lot of fun
didn't want to stop

I love working with all of these elements:
lace, pearls, roses, photos, and then some more lace.

The best part?

I had all of it...didn't buy a thing!

only 17 more working days

I'd better get back to it.

linking to white wednesday

Monday, May 30, 2011

let us never forget...

 ~a re-post~

the sacrifice made by so many

the brave men

mothers, wives, and sweethearts

Thank you

for our freedom

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a peek at my week...

and white wednesday #101

and a little pink, too.

It has been  a good week...
How about you?

I have seen my family (grandkids) lots

I've worked in my flowers

 Painting season has officially begun.

Healing is taking place in my heart.
These words were especially sweet.

  For we are God's workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepares in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10

 I  am working on projects 
that I have been putting off.
 For years.
I am such a chicken.

This  sweet read  touched my heart this morning.

...the kind that goes deep
makes you cry,
 makes you think, 
makes  you take just a minute longer...

...go see for yourself

My heart is  saddened for all of the loss
the loss in our country
and the loss here at home.
My prayers are with all that are suffering loss.

Jeremiah 29:11 

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

~these sweet rosebud-like  blossoms are from my hawthorne tree~
I love it.

linking to White Wednesday
A Rosy Note

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

white wednesday #100...

It is Post # 100 for white wednesday
I've been here for  70 of them.
That is a lot of white.

One of my spring  projects has been the re-do of my parlor.

I could show you a detailed before.

I could show you how my girl young-in and Mr. helped me out.

I could show you a play-by-play of the re-do.

I could tell you how I focused on my style and how I had to step away from the computer because I was getting too confused by all of the wonderful ideas out there.

I could tell you how I started out to have only neutrals...just color.but how I couldn't do it.

I could tell you how  I craved the color and beauty of roses and how they  crept back in.

But I won't.

Instead, I'll just let you look.  
Maybe later, I'll get into all of that.When I have more time. 
Do you think that will ever happen? 
We can hope.

I'm not finished yet. That is the  story of my life. For reals.  I still need to paint a few pieces of furniture, figure out what to do with my fainting couch, work on the frame collage some more, and I am saving  money from the sale so we can buy trim for the windows next winter. Reproduction real wood trim is expensive.  In my quest for authenticity (I like that word) I will show you then unfinished portions. Those shelves hold some of  the stuff I am still sorting and deciding whether to keep.  Remember that?  The purging?  The parlor redo helped quite a bit. The rest will have to wait until after the sale.

Be sure and check out all of the rest of the party.

Monday, May 16, 2011

lilac love...

  Oh, how I love lilacs.

the color, the fragrance,

the memories

such sweet memories

memories of
Lilac Inn
a   place of childhood  dreams 

and now new memories
memories of my big boys 
bringing their mama lilacs for mother's day.
Be sure and come back for my parlor reveal
in honor of:

Saturday, May 14, 2011


 It has been a tug-of-war of sorts
should I or shouldn't I?
To sale or not to sale?

my barn sale
that's what I'm talkin' about

This is my fourth year of doing them.

to describe them in 1 word


incredible sales
incredible customers


incredible WORK

paint, paint, paint
cause i 
gotta have  inventory

empty the barn for the vendors
empty the shop for my display

that means put everything in the driveway 
sort it, price it, display  it

then at 5:00 on the friday of the sale
if it's  not done
(i'm never ready)

somewhere. anywhere. i don't care where.

 there's the inside of the house
total disaster

Do I sound stressed?
the family tells me that I  stress
a bit lot

and then there's the fear?
can I do it?
can i pull it together in time?
will i have enough cool stuff?
can i live up to my expectations?

we (the 3 of us)
 have talked, thought, talked some more, prayed, talked a lot more and finally reached a decision.
We need to do the sale
to recover financially from the winter of scarce work

but we are setting some goals.

1. commit it to the Lord
    all for Him... proverbs 3:5
2. play nice because nice matters.
3. adjust my expectations
    if you've been here long you know I have a thing for presentation
      apparently, it makes me cranky
4. sacrifice quantity but not quality
5. keep talking to each other
6. stop painting by the sunday before the sale
      I've said this before...let's do it this year
7. start pricing early
      like now
8. have fun

 These are all photos of my stuff from past sales

and  these below are  from my other vendors.

*all of this has been sold*

I am finally excited and ready to get started 

Miss Gracies and Friends
vintage barn sale
twenty eleven

june 17 and 18

~Let the fun begin~