
Monday, May 30, 2011

let us never forget...

 ~a re-post~

the sacrifice made by so many

the brave men

mothers, wives, and sweethearts

Thank you

for our freedom


  1. Hi Rene'
    Happy Memorial Day... I so wish you were coming to FC. I would love to give you a big hug.
    I wish I had my booth display together, still haven't found much for anchor peices for my booth. We spent most of the day shopping at Stars but no luck. Found more smalls...that I don't need!
    Any suggestions?
    Blessings to you today!

  2. Yes we must all be thankful for all veterans and for those who are serving our country now. Happy memorial day.


  3. Remembering...always...and a heartfelt thank you for those sacrifices. Wishing you a safe & peaceful holiday:)

  4. This does not need words!
    It' true.....YES.
    many greetings from austria

  5. Very nice post Rene. Beautiful. Diane

  6. It's sad that there has to be such a day, but never theless there were many brilliant men dying in World war two. I'm so thankful that I live in a country that didn't have to live through war.
    Hope you have a nice day.
    Love Elzie

  7. Amen to all of this! It's a shame that we continue to produce "heroes" every day of every year in this enlightened, or so called, era.

  8. I so dearly love all your creations. Although my blog is more primitive, I love all styles of decorating. My guest room is more your style of deco along with a little french country. I would so love to be able to shop with you at your sale. Love love love all your items. You are one talented lady. Thanks for sharing pic. for those of us to far away to shop.

  9. Very beautiful post
    I loved it
