
Sunday, August 9, 2009

we have a plan...

Operation C.H.A.O.S.
progress report

I have a plan and I've begun that plan.
That is progress.
Big progress

My husband calls it:
analysis to paralysis

I'm not quite creative enough just to let go


each detail must be:

thought over

talked over


anguished over...
from every angle
to make sure it will work and it is what I want.

That really slows me down.

So this is the plan so far:

My inspiration room will be in the boys' old bedroom.

I wish it were still filled with boys

but it is not.

So, what's a Mom to do?

I debated over this because it is an upstairs bedroom
and I didn't want to seperate myself from the family too much.
The main advantage was that it had the most room
so the most potential for clearing up the rest of the house.

I've had 4 days to myself this week.
Time to attack.

That first day I woke up at 2:00 (yes, a.m.)
...gotta love those 40's hormones...

I was so excited to get started!
It's slow's still hard to sort through everything
and find a place for it.
And I so struggle with function over beauty.
I really do just want to decorate.
I'll be back in a few days with another report:)


  1. Oh I know it will be so charming with your eye for lovliness!! I spy wonderful goodies already!!!
    I love the analysis to paralysis..:)
    Mine is so bad I dare not post it but maybe YOU will be inspiration for me!!
    Have fun!!

  2. Trusting, believing with you that your fabulous space will be all you dream it will be...and soon.


  3. How wonderful to have a new space to work with and set up the way you want. Have fun and try not to stress. I'm sure it will all be lovely and functional when you are done.


  4. Rene'...I know whatever you decide to do will be amazingly beautiful!!

  5. Rene', I was so sad to see your post end! I can hardly wait to see your beautiful space! Such a dilemma, form or function! I love your husband's "analysis to paralysis." It can all be overwhelming, but I know you'll get it done AND you'll post some beautiful pics using picnik. Thanks for letting me know about picnik, but I'm glad I didn't know about it because I'd get hooked and spend too much time there!

  6. Hi Rene`,

    Oh I think this looks like so much fun and by the time you're done it will be simply everything you do is ;-).

    I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you about my photo's. I use Photoshop and have been playing with multiple layers trying to "age" them. It's a lot of fun, but very time consuming.
    Oh, I could share some of my fourty something hormone stories...Oi Vey!!! It's like living inside a perpetual furnace ;-(.

    Have a lovely rest of the day!!

    xoxo Cori

  7. Oh, Thank You for the update!
    I love my 'alone' time, too, to think and sort. And play, of course. My 'inspiration' has come in the form of "Company's Coming". Thank goodness not till October, but knowing me, it will take me till then! Will look forward to your progress posts .. I am not so brave as to post pics of my stash(es). :) Knowing your new space will be stunningly beautiful .. . you soooo inspire me!!

  8. Love those before and after pictures...especially yours. I can't wait to see what lovely, creative space you will come up with in this room. Thanks for sharing. It inspires me.

  9. I *know* it is going to be just what you want...soon...looking forward to the pics..

  10. I can't wait, I can't wait. Isn't it funny how once you get a bee in your bonnet 2 in the morning seems too early to quit.

  11. Oh Miss Gracie at least you have started- I keep thinking I will get through all my creative choas and find a place for it so I can be creative! I look forward to seeing how it all turns out and thank you so much for showing us your mess! We all have them and sometimes we bloggers think we can only show off the beautiful side! Thanks for being real- It challenges me to do the same-


  12. I cannot wait to see this room finished with your fabulous decorating skills. I know it's going to be full of lovely things for the eye to see. Oh boy-

  13. Wish I could lend a hand and go through these things with you, Rene'. I have 'piles' of things here and there dotted through our little home and feel paralyzed at times as to where to begin in the task of sorting and then all the emotions that stem from that experience. Ohhhh to have an extra room would be sweet indeed.

    2:00am huh? I know about that kind of time stuff. :o/

    tickleberry farm

  14. Looking forward to see the plan finished!
