
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

shabby house christmas whites...


it is time 
to show you  
 my photos from 

all of the above photos are from my space

this is Lori and Leslie's space...the owners of the shop...

and the winner of my giveaway is

 I wish I could send each and every one of you a copy
 REALLY,  I do
Put it on YOUR Christmas list 
order it here

You'll be glad you did.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

do you black friday?

I do not.

I had the  whole day 

 (no school, no exercise, no reason to leave the house) 

to play.

We put on Wives and Daughters...
and I crafted the day away.

Oh, happy day.

Here is a sampling 
of what I made 

The Christmas  season is officially upon us...
ready or not, here we go.

today is the last day to sign up for my giveaway here ...
do won't be sorry.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

thanks on wednesday, too

In the silent times : seek God

In the painful times : praise God

In the harried times : hallow God

In the terrible times : trust God.

And at all times 

at all times

Thank God.

Ann Voskamp~One Thousand Gifts

read more from Ann here...

because thanksgiving is more than a day

There are pies waiting to be baked,

have a wonderful day of giving thanks...

don't forget to enter here

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

giving thanks on tuesday...

To give thanks

 is an action 


rejoice is a verb 

and these 

are not mere pulsing emotions

While I may not always feel joy, 

God asks me to give

thanks in all things,

 because He knows 

that the feeling of


begins in the action of THANKSGIVING.

Ann Voskamp ~One Thousand Gifts


visit  Hope-filled living  to see 

my guest post

on one of my favorite holiday traditions

It's a rare Christmas post before Thanksgiving...

Remember to sign up HERE 

to win this book if you haven't already.

Monday, November 21, 2011

thanks on monday...


for the seemingly insignificant... 

this the seed that plants 

the giant miracle 

in the midst of it all." 

Ann Voskamp~One Thousand Gifts

Be sure to enter the give~away   here  

Sunday, November 20, 2011

on giving thanks...sunday edition

 ‎As long as thanks is possible... 

then joy is always possible.

Ann Voskamp ~ One Thousand Gifts

I've been wanting to do a post on this for quite awhile now. 

 My words are inadequate so I'll let this review do the talking.

This book cut straight to the heart of loss 

and asks the questions you are afraid to ask.

 It goes straight to the issues.  

Just like you, 

Ann Voskamp hungers to live her one life well

Forget the bucket lists 

that have us escaping our everyday lives 

for exotic experiences.

'How,' Ann wondered, 'do we find joy in the midst of 

deadlines, debt, drama, and daily duties? 

What does the Christ-life really look like 

when your days are gritty, long--and sometimes even dark?

 How is God even here?'

In One Thousand Gifts

Ann invites you to embrace everyday blessings

 and embark on the transformative spiritual discipline 

of chronicling God's gifts. 

It's only in this expressing of gratitude 

for the life we already have, 

we discover the life we've always wanted...

a life we can take, 

give thanks for,

 and break for others. 

We come to feel and know the impossible 

right down in our bones: 

we are wildly loved--by God.

Let Ann's beautiful, heart-aching stories 

of the everyday 

give you a way of seeing 

that opens your eyes to ordinary amazing grace

a way of being

present to God that makes you deeply happy, 

and a way of living that is finally fully alive. 

Come live the best dare of all!

I love this book.  

After my Bible, it is probably the 2nd most 

influential book I have read in my adult whole life.

Truly, it is life-changing.

I have an extra copy that I bought just for you. 

It will change  your life, too.

Or maybe, you already have it 

and would like a copy to give away.

Either way, leave me a comment on this post to win.

Put it on  your blog for a second chance.

You know how it goes.

Giveaway will end next Sunday, Nov. 27

Join me in giving thanks...

this week I will be sharing a few of my favorite quotes...