
Thursday, July 14, 2011

what's new...

look what's new at our place

meet annie

she is a doxiepoo

the girl young-in used her  hard-earned sale money
 to get her
and is doing all midnight potty outings
and inside potty oopsies

we have never had an inside dog before
almost as fun as a toddler in the house

she is the sweetest thing
and that is coming from a NON dog person.
she just might change my mind...

not all residents are pleased
just tolerant

a purse dog
who woulda' thunk?

I do believe she's stolen our hearts


  1. This post made me smile soooo big. I loved it. Something about God's creatures communing together in peace. Our world needs more of it.

    Thank you for coming by for a visit sweet friend. You know I adore you. You are one very, very, very talented lady.

    I'll share the lace...well, maybe.

    Love you~Rebecca

  2. What a little sweetheart Annie is. I do believe she'll steal your heart (I think she already has) as it happened to me when the kids bought our dog home from the SPCA. Beautiful pics of your daughter and Annie. Have fun. Pamela

  3. How could she not? Absolutely are all hooked now!!!

  4. Ohhh my goodness!! She is as precious as can be!!
    I wasn't a dog person either until we got one and now we have two and I am totally a dog person ~

  5. Of course she has!!! stolen your heart. She reminds me of bella when she was a pup! Bella and Lily have become the best of friends so I bet your Annie and kitty will too. These photos are so darn cute. My heart is melting. Next puppy for me will be something little with poodle in her!

  6. Oh ,she is so cute ! There is nothing like a new puppy .

  7. ohmygoodness! I'M in love with Annie!!!! She's so precious, I can see how she's stolen your hearts....hugs and love, Dawn

  8. What an adorable little thing. You'll love having her around. Diane

  9. Adorable puppy!

  10. this little pup is seriously precious. sooo tempting to adopt a wee thing like that. sooo tempting. :o)

  11. hi rene ....AND hi annie,
    this dog ist sooo cute! i love dogs too...
    thanks for show the little sweetie ;-)
    many greetings from austria

    I think i'm in loveeeeeee.
    What a doll!

  13. I do believe that face has stolen mine!

  14. OMG, she is just adorable!!!! BTW I keep an eye on you your decor! Best of luck painting the house!

  15. So cute Rene...since she is in YOUR house and not mine! HA!

    We have a tiny kitty. Hubby found her in the middle of the road on his way home from work and thought he just had to bring her home. hee hee She actually stayed around while we were away for four days too! Haven't named her yet because I wasn't planning on keeping her, but looks like she is here to stay! Name suggestions??

  16. Well Annie has certainly stolen my heart. What a cutie! Enjoy her, she will bring you lots of happiness over the years.

    Susan and Bentley

  17. I am not a small dog person but that is one cute dog! And the freckle faced girl is darling as well! Is the puppy yappy?

    Jill F.

  18. You made my day ! I have the biggest smile on ! I think every one of them are as cute as can be ! Hugs, Rhonda

  19. Adorable! I bet you've fallin love with her. Pets quickly become part of the family and give us so much love and joy in return.


  20. Annie is too cute as were the photos!

  21. She is the cutest dogie ever, I want her!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    XXX Ido

  22. Adorable... She's got spunk! Have fun... and it's even better that you're not in charge of the poo-poo's...

    Warm huggies,

  23. Wat een liefje ! how cute !


  24. She is adorable! Thank you for visiting my Antique sale Post ... I always love coming to see what you are up too. Your home is going to look wonderful all painted up pretty and I can't wait to see the photos! Have a wonderful weekend!


  25. She certainly looks like she could steal hearts!! What a sweetie. Almost makes me want to get another, but I don't think my 2 Pomeranians would like it at all.

    Enjoy her.

  26. stolen mine as well. how sweet!!

  27. Oh My Goodness! What a little bundle of preciousness! Sweet kitty too. :)


  28. She's beautiful!!! They are like toddlers inside, but always worth the trouble!

  29. She is just too cute.. her face (photo) would look good on a purse.
    I like how you've softened the photo, really brings out the sweetness of the theme..

  30. hello rene,
    thanks so much for your lovely words, I dont know why it is not worked to leave a comment at my blog ...
    oooh, rene, what a lovely darling doggie !!!!!!!!!!!!
    oh I love him, so so sweet !!
    A doggie is so good for a human soul !!
    the pics are so wonderful, my favorite is the second one, oh lo lovely ;-.)
    hugs mina ;-.)

  31. oooooo my heart in melting.... a little bear...hihihi lots of luck,xx viana

  32. Oh what a cutie-patootie!! We have a new puppy, too...but at 15 weeks and 34 lbs, our Boomer looks like a "monster" compared to your sweet Annie:) Enjoy!

  33. Rene,
    Annie is just precious! What is a doxiedoodle? I'll have to google that. Whatever it is she's a cutie. Your daughter all look exactly like you! No denying who their Mama is.

  34. Oh, sweet Annie is adorable. I was a non dog person until Bella entered our lives. She is a 13 month old Yorkie and although we got her for my 8 year old, she has stolen all of our hearts. Who knew??? Certainly not me.

    Hope all is well with you,

  35. Oh, Renee......I LOVE your new Miss Annie!! What a heart=stealer she is!! (What is a Dooxie-Poo??)
    She so reminds me of our Toy Yorkie
    I was NEVER a dog person either, and now I just couldn't see life without Mr. Remy, or his playmate, Miss Jolie, who is a Markie..part Maltese and part Yorkie...they are just like havng toddlers in the house,yes, they are house dogs, too
    and they are "in charge" around here.....sweeter company you could never find!! I am sure before much longer you, too, will be won over by this charmer!!! Maybe even the cat will, too! Enjoy!!
    Hugs, Francy

  36. Your daughter's smile is just beautiful! Little Annie is something wonderful to smile about!

  37. sweet and cute. Grand-doggies are fun. I have 3 and one Grand-kitty.


  38. A DOXIEPOO!!! Oh my! She is just the most adorable thing! I'm a big dog lover (we have a chocolate cocker named Ava) -- what a great mom to let your daughter have this experience and good for her for doing all of the hard work! Enjoy that little fur ball!

  39. what a cutie...thanks for the visit to Pandora's Box, yes, I painted the table...I blew up the graphic with a document camera and then traced it onto table...currently working on another one, so come back and visit!

  40. Oh dear, she has stolen my heart too.
    What a sweat, sweat little thing.
    Hugs Eva Agnes

  41. I love her ! We have saved a poodle who was getting put to sleep. He's an old man now but we adore him. Our other dog is a mix. We may never know what he is. He was abused and abandoned. He is small and beige like the poodle. They are both so precious to me.

  42. I'm a new follower of you blog. Lovely place you have here! =)

  43. Hi Rene'
    Such an adorable new member of the family! I love dogs - they tug at our hearts and Miss Annie obviously has accomplished that. I enjoyed the visit.
    PS Your daughter is really beautiful.

  44. Those little pups can steal our hearts.

    Your home is looking beautiful on the outside! Love the white.

    With Kindness,

  45. She's a sweetie, for sure! I have a long-haired Mini-Doxie and I think the Doxie in Annie adds to the fun of the Poodle mix. Hope to watch her grow up - and hope the other residents come to enjoy her as much as you!

  46. i love your blog' lovely;) Big greetings from good old germany...
    Misses Peacock

  47. A heart stealer she is! Congrats on your sweet new baby!

  48. Oh she is adorable!! She's stolen my heart too and I love how she's in the purse!! Such precious pictures of her and your daughter~

  49. Dear Rene`,
    Annie is so adorable!!! I loved every single beautiful photo, but my favorite is the one of her in the purse with your beautiful daughter!!!! They are a perfect match! You can see the joy in your daughter's lovely face… it makes me so happy to look at her! I am so glad she is enjoying her new little sweetie so much! I have three doggies and love them madly! Oh, the photo of Annie with your sweet kitty is precious too. Loved all your words as well! I hope you are doing good!
    Love you, Paula
