
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

baby steps...

i want to show you
 just a bit of my progress

You might think that it's funny
that my progress includes
yet more
a good amount 
of my piles
are stashes of thrifted finds

waiting to be used someday

 it. is. someday.

 i am going through the piles
my plan

do i  love it?
does it reflect me?

notice the plate above?

even though it is broken

it is a keeper.

love the colors of the roses

i love that my girls gave it to  me.

it was a sad day when i broke it
i couldn't get rid of it
(i told you i was sentimental)

now it has a home
it is a happy day

i am making progress.
in baby steps

a little every day

soon you will see whole room shots

i'm also getting caught up on my *correspondence*
(that means visiting you'all)

i want to mention a giveaway 
i won a while back
from sweet Rosemary

she sent me these beautiful fairy lights
THANK YOU, Rosemary

i'll be linking up with white wednesday
i'm enjoying the promise of spring
are you?


  1. Everything is just beautiful! Happy spring!

  2. I love your vignettes... absolutely gorgeous! So good to see you making progress... it encourages me to clean out and pare down.

  3. Everything looks so pretty! So happy that you are making progress. It must feel so good.


  4. hang in there!!! i post about piles and clutter all the time!!! i think it is unrealistic to think that EVERY blogger out there has the perfect home. i don't. i never have. i never will. it just won't happen. it can't.
    i struggle all the time with clutter and piles. what saves me is the moving we do every few years because of the military. it forces me to clean stuff up and throw stuff out....but i still have clutter and i still can't seem to ever get anything perfectly organized! those hoarders shows have made it hard for us to accept ourselves as collectors, proprietors, artists and passionate people that love beautiful things. all the collecting is a slippery slope, but where do you slip?? where does the slope happen? i'm not sure. i am mortified by the thought of having nothing....i am mortified by the thought of having too much. there has to be a balance. what works for me now is dedicating only 1 room to the stuff i bring home!!! only 1 room. if that room gets full, i have to clean it. none of my inventory can spill into the living areas of the home, but those areas do have lots of stuff too!!! decor, kids things, essentials, etc....
    it is hard to keep it all balanced for me!!! looks like you are making progress!!!! good luck! i love your style and your blog is so fun!!!! your house actually looks really fun to me!!! i could stare at your pretty things all day....sigh.
    take care

  5. thank u for visiting steps r good. A babys FIRST steps are the most memorable.U have taken ur first steps...ur almost there.

    Now could u please give me a lil push to clean out my garage and 2 storages...uggggg!

  6. Beautiful vignette, Rene...I'll keep a special piece if it's damaged, too!

  7. Your baby steps are beautiful sweet Rene". Can't wait to see things as they progress. I know you have to be feeling good. YAY!


  8. dear rene,
    these are very, very WONDERFUL things. here you can revel in memories..... beautiful picturen!!
    many greetings from austria

  9. Love all the groupings you have done. Love those roses and the beautiful plate. Are the roses made from material?
    Don't get overwhelmed,Remember God didn't create the world in one day. Make your journey fun, and you can definitely see progress. Love what you have done.

  10. Baby steps is all it takes and before you know it, you'll be where you want to be.

    Lovely photos as always, and I thank you for being the inspiration that you are.

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

  11. I've so missed your blog. Everything looks so pretty as it always does. Hope you have a fabulous Wednesday my friend!!

  12. Yayyyy !!! Doesn't it feel
    so good to get it all purged
    and organized ~ I am still
    sort of in that process ~ I keep getting side tracked though, which is so me ~


  13. I think you are doing great! I love the items you chose for this cabinet - simply beautiful! Blessings, Pamela

  14. I am really enjoying spring; the weather is in the 70's, which in April is almost unheard of in the UK ;o) Keep calm and carry on, my friend :o)

  15. keep up this interesting work! how i'd love to see your 'stuff!' :)

  16. Oh, your "baby steps" are creating a lot of beauty!! Love those vignettes:)

  17. I love your vignette, and I'm sure you're making great progress; inch by inch is progress. Can't wait to see some of your finished spaces. You're having a barn sale soon, right? I want to come. I'm sure most of your stuff can walk home with someone else at your sale. Just let me know the dates.
    Have a great week! With each vignette and room, you will feel a sense of accomplishment.
    ~ Julie

  18. Baby steps are what it takes, soon whole room shots, it will come Rene. I'm proud of you. It must be so easy to get sidetracked with all that beautiful stuff but you're doing it the right way. Blessings, Diane

  19. Your vignettes are the most beautiful and heartfelt of all the blogosphere. Keep up the great work - you are an inspiration to me in so many ways! Thank you!

  20. I'm doing the same thing and it's so hard, but also feels great. Why do we get so attached to things? You are doing so good. Can't wait to see more photos. Your vignettes are always so beautiful!!!

  21. Hi Rene ~ glad to hear that you are making progress! It does take time! I have just finished reading a book by Peter Walsh called "It's all too much"'s a decluttering book and it's amazing! I have been throwing things out like a mad woman! Can you believe that I just threw out cards and sleepover invitations from elementary school? See, you are not the only one who has a problem! Keep it up! You will get there! ~Stacy~

  22. Glad you are making such beautiful progress Rene!

  23. I can always count on a beautiful vignette. :) Rene these are beautiful shots! :)

    Keep up the good work!


  24. how nice your blog is and your photograpphy, I love to see that, have a greta time, big hugh Kathrin

  25. Such a beautiful post, today and always! Love your sweet vignettes. I'm especially crazy for baby shoes and anything white and faded roses, so I'm always in heaven when I visit your lovely blog!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  26. Good for you sweetheart!
    It looks beautiful, just like you

  27. Rene...
    Don't apologize for yet more little bits of're sticking to your plan and it's working! Stay focused...your progress is helping you towards your goal and assisting the rest of us to make our homes the beautiful respites we dream of on a daily basis!
    just me...lovin' that chipped plate...jan

  28. how endearing! - lovely blogpost!


  29. I just found you today and love your blog. All the vignettes are beautiful. I will visit often.

  30. I'm always inspired by your posts. Thank you and Sweet Blessings, Abbey

  31. I love your baby steps. It's all coming along nicely!!! It's a great way to organize, redecorate and admire all your sweet treasures that you've found and are keeping. Hang in there and keep it up!

  32. Congratulations Renee on "baby steps". All the "stuff" did not get there in a matter of days or weeks, so everything takes time. Me, I am still trying to compose something that does not come across whiny. So far everything gets deleted in the end. Blessings to you as you work to get a handle on your issue.

  33. Hi Rene,
    Every once in awhile I see this tag in your photos-
    "My Whole Heart for My Whole Life". It makes me think of my relationship with my Lord. Is it a stamp that you own? I would love to make a bookmark out of it. Maybe I could find one like it. Glad to hear you are still reaching for your goals.

  34. Hi Rene,
    Looks just beautiful!
    I just love my two little cups that I bought in your Etsy shop...I'm so glad I did. I'm just beginning to collect dishes with roses and I had nothing like these. They are just right! Thanks!!!

  35. Lovely vignettes. I hope to do that with my stuff this year as well. Do I love it? Does it reflect me? Good questions to ask.

  36. I have said a few prayers for you dear!! You can do it! And nothing better than prettying things up with vignettes to encourage you along! My problem at my home, is once it is fixed up, I won't want to sell it, or give it, or part with it! I do have an Etsy shop, but not vintage stuff like you, yours is so sweet!! I love your eye for details! God Bless You Deary!!!

  37. Dear Rene`, Your vignettes and photos are gorgeous as always! You are making wonderful progress sweetie! I love all of your pretty rose dishes and every sweet thing you arrange so lovely! Remember your house is full of beauty and so is your heart! Sending you love and a big hug too! Paula
