
Monday, March 7, 2011

weekend happenings...

it was an exciting weekend
my girl youngin' 
in her league championship basketball game

Did you know 
that we have our own 
homeschool team?

her daddy, the coach

part of the cheering squad

 it was a barn-burner
double overtime
she spent most of the game like this

she played her heart out

and we won!
other exciting  news
(Miss) Mrs G submitted this photo

in the sisters competition
pioneer woman

it made it to the top 10
it was one of my favorite wedding photos
there was so much true emotion

check out the finalists...there are some beautiful artful photos

the winning shot is so very sweet 


  1. Hello darling...nice post !! great that she won !!! happy day darling...may it bring love and sunshine !!

  2. Great job and oh my gosh I loved the pic of the cheer leading squad... How very precious...

  3. Oh my she looks just like her Dad!! Congrats on the win and getting in the top 10! Off to check out the photos!!
