
Monday, March 29, 2010


It was a great weekend:
a drive in the country with my husband
hearts connecting
minds and bodies resting.
(My Miss G and #8 grandbaby)

time with family
a little basketball 
and some really good food

homemade (made by the sleeping beauty)  angel food cake...
Did you know that air can be soo sweet?

a sweet time of worship and teaching

veg. time on the computer

designing my new header

I'm ready to face my week
 my  to-do list:
1. prepare for our Resurrection Sunday celebration brunch
( does mean it is time to finish putting away the christmas decorations?)
2. a little spring cleaning...probably very little
3. keep working on the never-ending bedroom project...
(I'm not teasing you'all on that...I'm stalling)
4. finish taxes...yuck
5.get caught up on bloggy visits...a full-time job in itself :)

 these vintage postcard images
and your week 
as you prepare to celebrate grace!


  1. Dear Rene`,

    I love the photo of Miss G. with grandbaby #8. It is so sweet!!! The angel food cake looks delicious! I am so glad you had a refreshing weekend!!! Your new header is gorgeous and I loved all of the photos you shared! Thank you for the vintage Easter postcard images!
    Much love,

  2. Beautiful writing and photos. Enjoy your week Rene'.

  3. I love how you closed this post...getting ready to celebrate "grace". Grace it truly is. I wish I would have been able to create a banner like your new one. You are just one talented, loving lady. I am working on taxes too, and I don't really enjoy it. I do enjoy visiting your blog...thanks.

  4. What a sweet picture of your daughter and grandbaby! I just love popping over here and being refreshed.

    Thanks for being you and sharing your beauty with us :)

  5. What a perfect picture of Miss G and baby. It is so lovely and the baby has a sweet smile. Just beautiful.

    Happy Easter
    glitter and roses

  6. Hope you have a wonderful Easter Rene'. It sounds like you off to a good start.

  7. Lovely new header Rene. I like your new look on your blog and in your home.

  8. The two sleeping beauties are just heavenly, I bet you feel very blessed. Hugs to all, Diane

  9. A lovely post--sounds like my kind of weekend. Like your new "header" too. Have a blessed Easter week!

  10. Hi Rene, Why do the great weekends fly by? :)

    Your to-do list looks very similar to mine!

    I hope you have Blessed Easter! :)


  11. Sweet post bringing smiles.
    And such an adorable pic of the baby! Angel food cake and strawberries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks mouthwatering!! YUM!
    Hope your week is wonderful
    Happy Easter to you.
    Enjoyed my visit.

  12. Baby is adorable and cake looks yummy! Thanks for posting about my giveaway! hugs to you and HAppy Easter. Kim

  13. Loved all your images. And the cake ~ OH MY! Luscious! I've been eating a few strawberries, myself. The baby is just adorable. Such innocence.

    Easter blessings to you and yours,

  14. You are changing headers??
    Oh I love this one, but, I know what ever you do will be wonderful!

    Are the Easter postcards OK to use for our art??

    thanks and more blessings

    barbara jean

  15. Please share the looks so good!
