
Monday, November 16, 2009

got tea?

Have you been over to cottage instincts, yet?
Cindy is a hoot...she is real and always is working on great projects.
She is hosting a "i made it with what i have" party...
I signed up, thinking,
" I'll get to that pile of lampshades , or that box of bottles, or
maybe even make a pillow."

But that didn't was a such busy week
getting ready at The Shabby House
so I dug through my files looking for a project
and I found *her*.

I wanted a vintage manny
but those are pretty rare around here.
So I bought 2 mannequins off of ebay
1 to sell and 1 for me.

She came with bright white fabric...

Now for the vintage, water-stained look...
I love it...instant age!

I used dark tea in a spray bottle and just went at her.
I spritzed on several light coats
letting it dry in between.
The patient girl that I am...I got in a hurry...and switched to coffee...
much quicker and much darker.

I love how she came out blotchy...just like water stains.

We use tea stain all the time round here...
on fabric, on ribbon and lace, on paper,
and even on our clothing to get that shade we are after.
I just use whatever black tea we have.
How about tea?


  1. "patient girl that i am ... switched to coffee.."

    You're so cute, Rene'. LOVE the manny's, both of them.

    Off to check out cottage instincts.

    jAne * tickleberry farm

  2. What a fabulous transformation! I agree ... the blotchy water stains look fabulous :-)

  3. Oh my Rene'! These are beautiful...LOVE how you tea/coffee stained the one. I've been crushing on mannies since I first saw them appearing on blogs, but my hubby is creeped out by them...*snicker* So glad you linked up :o)


  4. Hee-heee. Got coffee. I'm an instant coffee kinda girl, but it all comes out vintagey-wonderful! Great job on the mannequin!

    I'm having a blast visiting everyone at Cindy's party today. So many new blogs!!! Count me as your latest, instant Follower here! :)


  5. I almost did that too until I found mine on Craigslist!!! Thank goodness... and mine is all water stained too and I was not sure if I should leave her alone?? But I know if Miss Gracie wants hers THAT way then it must be okay!!!
    I just did a post about tea staining dinner napkins so I am doubly happy that I am on the right track!!! I love your Manny and look forward to seeing her in many posts to come!!! I have to pop over and check out Cottage Instincts!!
    I hope you and your Sweet, Beautiful Family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

  6. Beautiful! I love it - great job!

  7. I love mannequins - I was already planning to get one off ebay and aging it - you did a great job!

  8. You're girl turned out very nice!
    I don't do the tea thing but coffee....Got coffee?

  9. I am so wanting one of these! Great job with the tea dying!

  10. I have actually never stained anything with tea or coffee....I know, I know, it's soooo easy. I really need to because I've always loved the vintage look it creates. Your manny is perfect.
