
Sunday, June 14, 2009

a piece of...

Humble pie.

The weekend is over. The service is over. And the company has left.

God's grace was ever-present. God is good. Always.

But, I had some humble pie this weekend.

I knew company would end up at our house.
And isn't that what it's for? (the house, that is).
To offer hospitality and rest?

My house is a disaster. My piles of *stuff* are everywhere. It is out of order.
I was embarrassed for my husband.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm
all the days of her life.
Pro. 31:11,12

Something has got to change.

The business and the home have got to separate.

(If not, the business has got to go.)

This is a public commitment to get things in order.

I know may of you do this sort of thing, too...

Any tips for me?

How do you do it?

I will be back tomorrow to show you the project I've been working on...


  1. I work out of my home as well.. the piles are evident and bothersome. I look forward to ridding myself of piles and instead living a more organized existence. Looking forward to *tips* from others.

    Blessings to you and yours. Our Lord is indeed always and ever *faithful*. I continue in prayer as the Lord leads.

    jAne at tickleberry farm

  2. I don't do it anymore. I have gone from doing it all with four children and a hubby that works out of town to having a hard time getting any of it completed!!! I think the Good Lord meant it this way!!! He wants us to take time to smell the flowers in this new path our lives have taken.. although it is hard to see my flowers through the dusty windows!!:)))
    Continued Prayers for your sweet Family.

  3. Rene,
    Isn't it amazing how a few things picked up here and there can accumulate into piles and piles? I have a separate room for all my STUFF. Most of it does get in there , but once in a while things sneak out here and there. LOL

    Still praying for you all adjusting to live without your loved one. As our previous pastor said, "God is good...all the time. All the time...God is good".

  4. Your love and care for your husband this week was evident! I know he appreciated you being with him more than staying home to clean house! He needs you so much!

    Love you!

  5. I am SO with you, Sista! I understand!


  6. Yes, I get it. Pick and choose is the never ending verb at my house. Here is the real question, was your husband really embarrassed? I think not. Perfection is about love, not about always having something in it's place.

  7. You can do it!! Set the timer!! :-)

    Love you!

  8. I have no idea where I gleaned this tip from years ago, but it has proven to be ever so helpful!! When you look at the overall picture, when you start making lists of what all needs done, you get so overwhelmed (just from the sheer abundance of "things") that you end up losing any motivation you might have had. Instead - think in five minute blocks. Okay, so I have "five minutes" before I need to ... what can I tackle real quick like? Instead of tackling a whole pile, you start with the first thing on the top and keeping working your way down till your "five minutes" is up. A whole bathroom can't be cleaned in five minutes, but just the sink or just the toilet could be. The whole living room can't be done in "five minutes", but items can be taken care of off the floor, a window could be washed (ya know, the smears from the dogs nose), etc..

    Hope it helps ;-}
