
Sunday, June 28, 2009

She's our...


sweet ride.

Since the weather has been better
we've been taking
her out on Sunday mornings.

Read here for the Pink Lady's Story.

I rejoiced with those who said to me,
"Let us go to the house of the Lord"
Psalm. 122:1

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

got family?

Get family members here

Last chance to upgrade...

I had to chuckle;

This was a sign for old photos at Farm Chicks.

I hadn't *bought* any new ancestors in quite awhile.

This family caught
my eye and my heart

so home they came with me!

Friday, June 19, 2009

roses, reality, & other ramblings...

Don't you just love the first bloom of roses?

Beautiful abundance.

LOL about all the comments on *loving* to do laundry now.
Actually, I think it is my favorite household activity.

I love to fold everyone's clothes into their neat piles
and it is one job that I manage to stay on top of.
If you want to know the truth,
what I'm enjoying most about my *new* laundry room
the simplicity,
the ease,
of having a non-cluttered room.

It's been impossible to live these last 2 weeks
without it affecting my outlook on life.

Reality check.

Evaluation time.

Time to *stop and smell the roses*,
tell people how much you love them,
and wonder who else is hurting so much
(that we don't even know about
because we're so busy with our daily lives.)

It's been hard. Really, really hard.

To see someone suffer so much and not be able to

*kiss it and make it all better*.

At times, my husband is barely functioning...his pain is searing.

It was said at the funeral...

there hasn't been a Bert without a Curt...

there hasn't been a Curt without a Bert...

twins are like that.

It has given an all new meaning to being a helpmeet:

Giving a shoulder to cry on~ praying without ceasing,~providing distraction~encouraging from the Word~ *chattering*~ taking his blood-pressure and monitoring his medication~
loving on him.

My husband is a godly man,
who trusts the Lord with all of his heart...this pain is just so gut-wrenching.

I appreciate every single kind word and prayer from you sweet ladies.

My computer time has been limited so I'm very behind on what ya'll have been up to.

Hopefully, I'll start making the rounds this weekend.

Until then,


Monday, June 15, 2009

This is where I...

I wash my clothes.

This is my project I've been working on.

It all started with that new dryer.
First, we had to move all of the *stuff*
that was stashed in here at Christmas time...
then clean under the washer and old dryer...
then "We might as well paint while we're at it." 

Next thing you know, here we are.

Does anyone know how this happens?
How one thing leads to another,
and another,

which really just leads to...


This was a good chance to work
at that new color scheme I've had in my head.

Here's my mannequin from last spring.
She was covered in blue/gray t-shirt like fabric.

Lisa showed what hers looked like underneath
so I stripped her down.
It was quite a bit of work to get around all of the pieces
but it was soo worth it.
I love how she turned out.

        I love old lace.
Tea-stained, hand-made, bits and pieces of lace.
It's inexpensive and readily available.
There's always something you can do with it.
 it's beautiful all by itself  or in a basket or jar.

I found this cute bookcase on one of my Portland trips.
I spent hours (literally) on this arrangement.

Ridiculous, I know, but I was having fun!

My daughter tells me the room does need some function,
so things like hammers, dust clothes, and 
other functional items
will go behind the curtain.

Now, I'm getting inspired to keep going.
Next room:
my parlor!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

a piece of...

Humble pie.

The weekend is over. The service is over. And the company has left.

God's grace was ever-present. God is good. Always.

But, I had some humble pie this weekend.

I knew company would end up at our house.
And isn't that what it's for? (the house, that is).
To offer hospitality and rest?

My house is a disaster. My piles of *stuff* are everywhere. It is out of order.
I was embarrassed for my husband.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm
all the days of her life.
Pro. 31:11,12

Something has got to change.

The business and the home have got to separate.

(If not, the business has got to go.)

This is a public commitment to get things in order.

I know may of you do this sort of thing, too...

Any tips for me?

How do you do it?

I will be back tomorrow to show you the project I've been working on...

Thursday, June 11, 2009


May your unfailing love be my comfort...
Psalm 119:76

Life has slowed down.
Down to what's really important.

I've just been *hangin'* with my guy;

Taking care of him, giving comfort as I can, watching out for his needs.



We've been surrounded by

our friends, our church and our family:

A special meal, playtime, and lots of prayers

Playing with the grandkids...always good for a smile

Favorite food made especially for her Daddy

Thank you so much for you condolences and prayers... The service is tomorrow;
we continue to rely on the Lord for His strength.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of all compassion
the God of all comfort.
2 Cor. 1:3

Monday, June 8, 2009

a minute in time...

You know how there are those minutes?
When , in a split second, everything is changed?
We had one of those minutes.

While we were away, we received a phone call.
The kind you always fear will come.

My husband's twin brother had passed away.
Suddenly and unexpectedly.
Just like that.

He was a kind and generous man with 2 teenage children.
He was one of the favorite uncles.
He was a good brother, always ready to give.
He was my husband's friend and playmate during a very rough childhood.
He was the quarterback and my husband the receiver
during high school football.

He will be missed greatly.

Please pray for my husband...his heart is broken...He loves wholeheartedly so he will grieve wholeheartedly...Pray for the Lord's mercy and protection of his heart during this time of suffering...that God will be his ALL...that I will be the wife he needs during this difficult time (we've been down this path before...I know how hard it will be)...
that we will endure...
that we will rest in the arms and grace of our God.
thanks so much,

Friday, June 5, 2009

off we go!

Well, Texas may have Roundtop and Canton
LA has the Rose Bowl
but here in the northwest
We have ...

Farm Chicks!

We are off on a very much needed rest.

Friday, we will explore Spokane

and then Saturday...

it's Farm Chicks, baby!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

1 year...

Brogan Walker

We celebrated my grandbaby

Brogan's 1st birthday...

instructions from

the *older and more experienced* cousin

I Love that smile!

carrying on tradition

Uncle Ben's bucking bronco




Gosh, my last post even made me cry.

Well, just keepin' it real to quote my dear friend,* jAne*.

I know that I am blessed to have had such a life

and most of the time I thank God for such sweet memories.

But I just really, really miss those days

and am trying to find my way in this next season.

I am looking for the joy and purpose in today.

Until later,


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


and longing for these days :

It was crazy at times.

I was busy,

I was needed,

and I lived my life on purpose.

I was blissfully at home with my life.