
Sunday, May 3, 2009

the aftermath...

of the sale

Every year I vow
this time it will be different.

But it's not.

It's hard to be a
housekeeper and a shopkeeper
at the same time.

(understatement here)
takes over in the last two days during the final push.

gets stashed away from the show place.

This is only *part* of what didn't get finished.
Maybe, next time..

coffee, tools, and ibuprofen

What the crew wants to keep them moving.
For the afternoon:
dishes, bookwork, and a nap.
Not necessarily in that order.
for all of the sweet words of encouragement
and especially to those of you who prayed for me.
It was so sweet of you and
I'm so thankful for you, my friends.
It was a huge success
and I do wish you could all
have come to my
I'm working on getting photos ready to post.
Tata for now,


  1. Hey,
    Great job and I hope you didn't get rained out on Saturday! I swear when I checked the weather it only said 20% chance of rain. Anyway I am working on sending you over the pictures that I took but in the meantime I posted some on my blog so go check it out I think you will really like them.


  2. I wish I could have come. Make me a lamp shade for my vintage copper rooster lamp. LOL I'll pay you. I feel behind. I'll have to go read your older posts. God bless you. Good know everyone went well.

    PS: Ibuprofen is my best friend.

  3. So Very HAPPY for you... and the only thing that woulda been better is if I could have been there too!! Maybe next time, it is on my bucket List of things to do!!!
    Have a Blessed week!

  4. I wish I lived around you! I can't wait to see more photos. Congrats :)

  5. Well it sounds like you had a successful sale! I sure wish I could have been there!

  6. Girl your mess looks like money to me! I so understand the messes. But so happy that with the messes come the successes!
    Praise the Lord

  7. I hope you had a successful sale and I wish I could have been there. I love the look of the old painted furniture and wish I had a bigger house to put some in. Maybe now you can get a little rest.
