
Sunday, May 31, 2009

the art of...


This was the final leg of our trip back in March.

I had forgotten that I had never shown these pics.

It was a great place to poke around

to find all sorts of treasures.

I love how their everyday product

becomes displays of art.

(and organized, too!)

Got tubs?

Even my husband enjoyed shopping here.

This is what I brought home.

It was intended for the opening in my parlor

but somehow it ended up here

in the space between the kitchen and family room.

It just fit-

no cuts needed.

I don't know if it will stay there or not-

the range is below and I'm thinkin' it will get pretty grimy,

we'll see...

Thank you all so much for your sweet words.

I'm almost finished with my project...things always take longer!

But here's a sneak peek.

Have a wonderful Sunday,


Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I have to admit my weekend was full of emotion, tears and frustration.

Most of it caused by me.

When I get in these *moods* I try to do this:

Whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable-
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-

think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

Think about things like

how God is love,

how blessed I am,

and My first roses and peonies of the summer.

I'm neck-deep in a project... I'll be back soon to show you all about it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Let us not forget...

the sacrifice made by so many

the brave men
mothers, wives, and sweethearts

Thank you
for our

Thursday, May 21, 2009

thrifty thursdays...

I haven't shown you much this year from my treasure hunts

because they just haven't been that good.

The sales have had long lines , high prices and not much to offer.

I was starting to worry I just might run out of inventory.

(Insert husband bursting into laughter here)

but really, I do have to replace what I sell, don't I?

By last Saturday, I almost didn't go.

I was discouraged, I was tired and I was afraid.

Afraid of failing and afraid of the competition.

That is no reason to stay with husband's blessing off I went.

I'm sure glad I did.

There were enough goodies for everyone and the prices were great!

I love this transferware bowl...not sure I can part with it.

There was a box with wonderful old sheet music.

This is just in time for my *4th of July* look.

This sweet little child's rocker just melted my heart.

I also found this dryer,

which as I was walking out the door, husband yells "bring home a dryer."

We were desperately needing one....mine was clanging really loudly.

It was like new, super capacity, and only $65.00

It really is awesome how the Lord provides for us.

but anyway, the dryer is for another post....

That's all for now,

have a wonderful day.


Monday, May 18, 2009

What's your love language?

Mine is spending time together
and working on a project.

*Going to Grandpa's to work*

We started a new tradition this year.
One Saturday per month we (the kids and us) pick a family member
and all go to their house to work on a project.
Mainly, it is the men who are working;
the womenfolk are busy with babies and keeping the men fed.
Last month they gathered firewood for our son
and this month it was our turn to have everyone here.
We picked working on our outbuildings.

We are taking part of the barn to designate a *man* space.

My husband seems to think

that my business has taken over the entire property

and he's claiming this space as *his*.

It will be his new shop-he's very excited-he's never had one before.

Here they are putting siding on my shop.

We always have time for a break.

Aunt Gracie's homemade cinnamon rolls

and lots of joking around

It was a very fun day

being productive, building memories,

and saying I love you.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Just how

did it get to be Friday already?
I don't know.
In honor of Mother's Day (week)
I thought I'd show you pictures
of my
Mother's Little Cottage.

We've been decorating

together now for 30 years.

We have similar tastes

as you can see.

I just love her couch and loveseat-
way too big for my house but perfect for hers.
We found the couch in a little country furniture store
and she had the matching loveseat given to her.

This collage shows
just part of her collection
of rose pretties.

I drag her along on all of my escapades.

She's a really good sport about it, too.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

bushels of...


This is what brought me joy

for Mother's Day:


hand-picked and hand-delivered

from my son

from his prize lilac bush

Seeing *my girl*


with her boys

Babysitting the triplets

Cameron, Madison, and Blake

Roses and a new Bible cover

from my girls

And this card brought tears

of happiness and laughter

to brighten my morning

open to song playing: Who's that lady?

How about you?

What brought you joy ?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The phases of...

of motherhood.

Women know the way to rear up children (to be just)

They know a simple, merry, tender knack

Of tying sashes, fitting baby shoes,

And stringing pretty words that make no sense,

And kissing full sense into empty words.

~Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Grown don't mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child.
They get bigger, older, but grown? What's that suppose to mean?
In my heart it don't mean a thing.
~Toni Morrison, Beloved, 1987
I have been blessed in both.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

seeking rest...

I want to be here.

My soul finds rest in God alone.

My salvation comes from Him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation;

Psalm 62:1,2

I am so tired


struggling to find balance again.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Burlap, Business cards and Bathtubs.

There was only minimal eye-rolling with each request.

"Don't argue-just do it."

I have a vision.


to Miss Gracie's and Friends

Vintage Barn Sale

This was my outdoor space

~Before the rain~

Ember came and set it up for me.

She did a great job.

Just like I knew she would.

Thanks, Ember.

photos courtesy of Ember

It was a great sale.

We did about 2 months of work in 2 weeks.

A true family effort.

Now, back to normal family life.