
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I have a thing for...

For pictures.

especially vintage pictures

even more so,
mother and baby
vintage pictures

A mother's arms

are made of



children sleep soundly in them.
-- Victor Hugo
I've been collecting these

for a long time

I just found this one last weekend
on our anniversary date.
Isn't it gorgeous?
with just the perfectly shabby frame?

This one is my all-time favorite
with its too-sweet verse.
Her Gift
So wee a gift,-yet wealth
of many lands
Could never buy it in
the richest marts!
So frail a gift-and yet
those baby hands
Take mighty hold upon
two human hearts!
Burges Johnson
How about this one?

What story does it tell you?

I have most of my collection here

on my stairway wall and upstairs landing.

Some mothers are kissing mothers
and some are scolding mothers,
but it is love just the same,
and most mothers kiss and scold together.
-- Pearl S. Buck


  1. I love them all, but especially the last trio. Quite a story, as you say, they could tell.

  2. So much history and so many memories included in those old vintage pictures. I bet that looks so nice on the wall display. I really liked the last poem about little girls.

  3. They have such a sweet, tender look about them, don't they

  4. ME TOO! I have several. Wow. The longer I know, the more I see we are exactly alike...probably. I'm sure your a much nicer person though. LOL

    Gotta run. Kids want the computer.

    God bless you.

  5. Oh what a beautiful collection! I have one the same pictures you beautiful I agree Pinkie

  6. I love all of these old pictures! I think that I just found something new that I can collect! They look so beautiful on your wallpaper! They are perfect there!

    I think the one with the older couple tells the story of a couple that had been married for a long,long,time and they are just sitting there relaxing and thinking about what all they have been through together and at peace that they are still there for each other.

    Lee Laurie

  7. Beautiful post! Wow you have an amazing collection! It's all just lovely. I too love the art from the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment. I look forward to visiting your blog again:)

  8. Rene, you have a very lovely collection and I see why you would love them. I'm crazy about how you displayed them on the stairway wall, what a fantastic idea!

    Enjoy your day-

  9. OH Rene! So beautiful to read your post this morning, being a mother truly is such a gift from the Lord isn't it? I can tell from getting to know you on your blog, that you are one of these gifted mothers!
    Blessings today,
    Donna Lynn

  10. Hi Rene,
    Your collection is precious. I really love the last one. I remember my granny and pa still holding hands and kissing each other. As wonderful the gift of a child even more the child who has two parents that love each other until the end.

  11. I love your collection of vintage photo's. That is just something I would love to have.
