
Sunday, March 29, 2009

For your Sunday...

I love these postcards with scripture verses
and pick them up whenever I find them.
I thought I would share them with you.
Feel free to take them if you wish.
Have a great day of worship!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Little man...

The Little Man
for the morning.

our 4th grandson

Playing with his Daddy's firetruck
The truck was an incentive, umm, bribe
to stop sucking his (the Daddy's) thumb
It didn't work but it's a sweet memory.

What fun we had!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've done a lot of antiquing in my day
and there is 1 shop that stands above all.

Monticello Antique Mall in Portland, Oregon.

I will drive for 6 hours to shop.
It was the first stop on our trip

and again

I was not disappointed!

I studied all of the details ...all of the minute details.

Beautiful as usual.

Here are spaces from blogging friends...

Kathy from Colby Cottage

A dreamy pink mixer

bird cage, lace and tin -such a lovely trio



Debbie with My Shabby Roses
Isn't this bottle sweet?



Lisa and Isabelle

For all things pink...

How fun it must be to be part of such a great store!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm off for a quick weekend
with my husband...

A belated anniversary trip:
A time to relax, re-connect,
to be inspired.

We will be going here:
4-Friends Sale

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I have a thing for...

For pictures.

especially vintage pictures

even more so,
mother and baby
vintage pictures

A mother's arms

are made of



children sleep soundly in them.
-- Victor Hugo
I've been collecting these

for a long time

I just found this one last weekend
on our anniversary date.
Isn't it gorgeous?
with just the perfectly shabby frame?

This one is my all-time favorite
with its too-sweet verse.
Her Gift
So wee a gift,-yet wealth
of many lands
Could never buy it in
the richest marts!
So frail a gift-and yet
those baby hands
Take mighty hold upon
two human hearts!
Burges Johnson
How about this one?

What story does it tell you?

I have most of my collection here

on my stairway wall and upstairs landing.

Some mothers are kissing mothers
and some are scolding mothers,
but it is love just the same,
and most mothers kiss and scold together.
-- Pearl S. Buck

Thursday, March 12, 2009

the promise...

of what's to come!

Now faith

is being sure of what we hope (expect) for


certain of what we do not see.

Heb. 11:1

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Best wishes...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, dear Sandi.
Happy Birthday to you!

Today is my new friend's birthday...

Prayers for you,


for a day filled with joy and hope.

Hop on over and help her to celebrate.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I celebtate 29 years
with my best friend.

It has been fun~ it has been hard~ it has been full of adventure~
it has been full of grief~it has been full of joy~ it has been a learning experience~ it has been humbling~ it has exasperated me to tears~it has been a revelation in the character of God~it has revealed the character of me~it has been rewarding...

It has been perfect!
He is my other half~he completes me~ he balances me~ he bails me out and He loves me.~He thinks I'm funny.~He makes me breakfast on Sunday's.~ He serves me with all of his heart. How thankful I am
for this wonderful, mysterious plan of God...

when two become one.

Friday, March 6, 2009

like mother, like daughter

Here is a story from the good 'ole days.

Back in 1990-ish, we lived in a different 1900's farmhouse;

This one I was determined to restore.

We lived on an acre

with chickens, a garden, and wood heat.

We shopped one entire anniversary weekend

to find this old cookstove.

After getting it home

my husband converted it to a pellet stove.

(Have I mentioned how good

he is at making my crazy ideas come to life?!)

We used it for heating the back of the house and cooking.

It was great for simmering soups and warming up food in the oven.

I never did master baking in the oven, though:)

This was before re-purposed was even a word.

I just knew what I liked

and had to figure out a way to make it practical!

Sometimes we have to help

beauty and function meet!

Daddy's helper is now the daddy to the triplets!

Life was simple then and always an adventure.

I loved that stove

and all of the memories of that time in my life.

( I really wish I could find more pictures of the stove and house

but I put them somewhere for scrapbooking and now I can't find them!)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

like mother, like daughter

This is another ad
from the same magazine
that I showed you yesterday.

One day last fall,

I was visiting with my daughter about her *new* stove.

I thought she had gone to an appliance store


turns out she had been shopping Craigslist.

Guess what she bought?

That's right

that exact same model!

True Story.

It's a beauty.

Don't ya love it
beauty and function
come together?

The mother-daughter part?
Come back tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

like mother, like daughter

During one of my thrifting escapades
last summer
I found this *Farm Journal*

"the magazine farm families depend on"

It was soo Mary Jane Butters!

I snatched it right up.

It was full

of interesting and frun

pics and articles:

Which one would you like

to wear to do your chores in?

I like the blue one, don't you?
I love the fridge...but not the defrosting part.

some things never change...



Come back tomorrow for the

rest of the story.