
Saturday, February 28, 2009

making mama proud...

It's been an intense week of basketball.
We are a homeschool team
that plays in a small christian school league.
It was tourney week and
we were playing
in the championship game...

Mine is #5!
She is a 6th grader that plays beyond her years...
loves the game!

The cheering squad-
there to watch their sister and Auntie.
She played well
2 buckets, 4 foul shots and 3 3- pointers!

Dad and sister are coaches-
it's a family affaire.

The final score to the game
We were the guest.
Not an easy loss as the 8-time defending champions...

But done with dignity, graciousness,
congratulations to the other team.

This says it all...
... a 3-pointer buzzer beater.

Play hard to the end
do it with a smile!

I was proud!


  1. Oh golly, this is like a flashback for me! Big time congrats to your sweet daughter. THREE pointers...and three of those! wow!

    Lizzie played basketball for three years in a private league. It was a wonderful experience and she absolutely loved it. :o)

  2. Awww... that brings back memories of my boys playing years ago. You SHOULD be proud...she is special... "light of your life".

  3. Congratulations to your adorable daughter! Brought back so many memories when I saw this post. Our three daughters also attended a small Christian school and we spent many hours at Basketball games. So proud of her and her team!

  4. Good morning pround momma. Your daughter's smile is just beautiful.
    I love watching girls basketball.
    Altho my daughter never played our pastor's daughter does and it was so much fun watching her.
    Thanks for your kind comments.
    I am working on my booth today. It has been a crazy few weeks but hopefully I will see some profit soon.

  5. Thanks for visiting my new blog and I hope you can make it to the show on the 21st. What a wonderful blog you have, I'm so jealous of your paint house! Your home looks beautiful also.

    PS- cute daughter!

