
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

the shop...

The shop that love built...

love being my husband, of course.

He has been working soo hard for me.

My husband and son-in-law discussing plans
was it the March Maddnes basketball?

My two boys..gotta love 'em
How did they get to be grown men?

A good weekend~
just like old times.

All of us working together-

My best memories ~working together.
On a project.
As a family.

Our progress by the end of the weekend-
gotta keep working


  1. I'm looking SO forward to seeing the end result of your labor of love.

    Praying you'll all be kept well and safe while constructing this special place. :o)

  2. Wonderful!! Glad to see that the weather is co*operating with the construction crew!!! Can't wait to see what YOU do with it once the menfolk finish their part!!!!

  3. Looks great! I admire your hard work!

    I had a question (for the expert!) about painting our table and though maybe you might be able to answer. We have a wooden table that I want to paint (probably only about 10-15 years old) and the top has a decorative groove around the perimeter, about 4 inches in. It's the perfect place to harbor food bits and gunk and is a pain to clean...requiring a knife or toothbrush. So the question. Is there a best way to fill those grooves, and then paint the surface without it being noticeable? Caulking or some other compound and procedure?
    I know your busy making your shop and doing life, but if you get the chance I'd appreciate it. (I'll check back here, or feel free to email.)
    Love, Roberta
