We had a great time in Portland-my husband is getting on board with this painting thing so we had to hit all (well, not quite all) the thrift stores.
Saturday, we went to the 3-friends sale near Salem.
I had found it through links on Lisa's blog.
First, we headed to Molly Mo's-just gorgeous! I loved her style-she did a great job of display. I found these treaures here.
Next, off to Auntie Joy's-here I found this
vintage wedding dress-
I thought about it for my daughter's graduation dress (you know how in the old photos the girls always wore white dresses) but we're not sure if it's too weddingish. But I love it anyway and will find a place for it.
I also met Sheila, another blogger: very friendly.
Finally, we made it to Tarte's. By the time we got there it was picked over but I could tell that there had been some great stuff. But I did find these 2 victorian chairs that I fell in love with. Are they too shabby to be chic? I just thought they needed me (or do I need them?)
Oh well, here they are-we shall see what becomes of them.
All 3 ladies were soo hospitable-
it was great fun to meet new friends.
I have to tell you about something that Miss Gracie's has done for me. I am a very reserved and shy person and sometimes (OK most of the time:)not all that social-I kind of like being by myself. But since I've been doing this, I find myself coming out of my shell. It's like a whole new me. Lisa, you don't know how big of a thing that was for me to do...to put my hand out to you to introduce myself. I'm soo glad I did.
Being to these sales reminded me how much fun it is to have them-so they encouraged me to do it again. Soo, I have set the date and am working on all of the details.
Stay tuned ofr more details to follow for the next Miss Gracie's and Friends Sale to be held at my home.
This sounds like a fun day! Love that rose plate you got and the wedding dress is just beautiful. Those chairs are great, but they really need a lot of work. Can't wait to see what you do with them!