
Thursday, August 23, 2012

august beauty...

I'm soaking in these last few days of summer 
and the beauty that is unique to August.
Enjoy with me?

We have one more week of summer vacation 
before school begins

after Labor Day. 
That's when school is supposed to start, isn't it?

Sunflowers are so happy, aren't they?

They thrive in this august heat

I wish I did...

I have a few things left on my summer bucket list  
that I will be working on...
How about you?
How are you spending your last days of summer?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

a little mo...

 little miss mo (monique)  at 9 weeks

When little
miss mo came to grandma's house
 wearing pink zebra stripes and a pink tutu,
what was a grandmother to do?
What would  you do?

Of course, you find a pink bow
a pink suitcase.

Have you ever seen any
mo sweetness?

Having a litttle mo fun?

I will be missing for the next week or so.
We are having house guests...that's pretty rare for us.
I am cleaning like mad...I do love me a deadline.
And while I am cleaning, I am contemplating.
Contemplating the
things of life
things like:
 Is it necessary to paint (read re-decorate) the bathroom
just because I am cleaning the bathroom?
These are the deep things of my life.
I'm just kidding (sort of) of course
but I am enjoying taking care of my nest.

What are you up to during these last days of summer?
Have a great week, talk to you soon.