
Thursday, December 31, 2009


at Miss Gracie's House

Here are a few of my favorite pics
...just a few...

I had 2 great barn sales

I love to paint...

but I love to display even more.

I had a blast selling at The Shabby House.

My Family is my biggest blessing.

The triplets made their public appearance
Grandpa took the *big* boys fishing

and Briscoe joined us...

At home, my decorating definitely took on a new look;
The neutrals, browns and creams are slowly making their way in.

2009 also brought some tough days.
days to walk beside my husband
days to hold onto his hand
and days to strengthen our love.
days to pray
days to trust.

my prayer for this year and for every year

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

mom's whites

This week I thought I'd show you
some pretty *white* corners of my Mom's house...
for more great white inspiration
check it out here at Faded Charm.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

after christmas special...

the text came at 3:30 am
Don't we live
in a different age of communication?

Briscoe is here!

19" long

one very happy, thankful and tired grandma and grandpa

Thursday, December 24, 2009

love was born on christmas...

And they will call him "Immanuel"-

which means "God with us"

Merry Christmas to all of my bloggy friends...during Christmas *vacation* I plan on doing a little I'll get caught up with all of you then...all my best wishes for you all to have a wonderful time celebrating this great love...until then,

christmas past and present #16...a repost

This is the nativity set from my childhood.
We started a new tradition ( in the last 10 years or so)
I heard about it at a Mom's gathering

and loved it.

I just wish I would have done it
with my older children.
So now it is for my youngest and my grandchildren.

With the beginning of Advent,
Mary and Joseph
start on their journey to Bethlehem.

Each day they get a little closer to their destination.

The journey is always down the stairs,
one or two per day.

On Christmas Eve morning they arrive at the stable.

The next part
is the *treasure* hunt
for Baby Jesus.

We do this after dinner, Candleight service
but before presents.
I've hidden Baby Jesus
for the little ones to find and place in the stable.

Because you can't have Christmas
without Jesus, you know!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

i have a problem...

But it is a really *great* problem!

Today's project is setting the table
for Christmas Eve dinner.

My 5 children will be here
with their sweeties
and their babies.
Plus my brother, Grandma Danny and Aunt Boo.
Makes 21.

It is a challenge to arrange squeeze in enough plates and chairs
but we always manage.
This year we will need 4 highchairs
(for the triplets and Brogan).
It will be cozy but full of laughter.

...the beginning of the holiday table...

I've includes some *panoramic* views of my parlor...
I don't post them often because it is usually so cluttered
with all of my *business* stuff.
Enjoy....I know I am!

Blessings to you all, dear friends as you scurry about finishing up...