
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

just a few...

of my favorite (white) things.

Thanks to all

who wished my daughter and me

a Happy Birthday!

See FADED CHARM for more white pretties.

Monday, October 26, 2009

another milestone...

~My baby is 13 years old ~

After many years of praying

for the Lord to bless us again.

She was born.
Just a few days after my 36th birthday.

A baby that would bless me, comfort me, and humble me.

Abigail Hope

We wait in HOPE for the Lord;
he is our help and our shield.
In him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in his holy name.
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord,
even as we put our HOPE in you. Ps. 33:20-22

Such a delight

such a joy

such a challenge.

You can see the age spread in my children here.

16 years.

Having a toddler in the house with teenagers

is a time I will never forget.

Algebra and diapers.
Who needed TV for entertainment?
The things teenage boys teach.
Like how to spit.
There was always a helper and playmate around
but also always another *parent*.
She couldn't get away with anything!

She is her Daddy's girl and her sister's friend.

She is

competitive, athletic and plays the piano beautifully.

She is persistant, observant, repetitive, opinionated.

She will tell you like it is. She is tough yet sensitive.

She loves being an auntie.

She's a tomboy.

She can throw a football and use the drill.

She's a girl.

She loves chocolate and hates spiders.

She makes us laugh.

She determined to conquer the Rubik's cube

and then went on to th 4x4 and then 5x5.

Did you know there were such things?

She's my keep-me-on-my-toes girl.

My keep-me-young girl.

She's my Girl.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he's a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
And nearer he's to setting.

Glorious birthday roses from my sweetheart.

We are off for a weekend of REST.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Good morning, girls.
Today I'm showing you more photos of my newly-decorated laundry room.
I posted them earlier in the summer but I know that some of you are new.
and there are just not enough hours in the day!
Only 2 more weeks of oustside painting and then I'm movin' inside!
Fall cleaning is on the agenda and maybe a little more decorating?
I'm looking forward to it...

I appreciate all the sweetness you all leave for me,
really I do.
I'm trying to make the rounds....

Have a great day and skip on over to Faded Charm
(see link on side bar-something was not working and I don't have time to fix it)
to see lots of fun stuff!

Monday, October 19, 2009


A phone call...noise...then silence.
Minutes that seem like hours.

My daughter was talking on her cell phone to her boyfriend when there was a lot of noise. the phone went dead and then no answer. "Mom I think Tyler was in a wreck...what do I do?"

Fear comes...all the things it could be...imaginations gone wild...what to do?

Do the next thing.

Our family has seen plenty of loss and heartache these past 5 years...
no rose colored-glasses anymore.

Think on what is true (phil 4:8)
What is true?

God is good... God is in control.

Does that mean nothing *bad* happened?
No, it means God is good, God is in control.

Minutes seem like hours...finally the next call...everything is Ok-Tyler rear-ended the car in front of him.

Thank you, God.
God is good...God is in control.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in His word I put my Hope. Psalm 130:5

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

white ode to fall...

Like many of you...fall is my favorite season.
I love
the milder sunshine, the colors, and the nip in the air.

It's like there is an excitement building...

We celebrated our family's fall birthdays last Sunday.
I threw together this fall arrangement for the table.
That is what is so nice about everything coordinating...
it just all works together,
no matter how it is arranged.

This is one of my treasures from Farm Chicks.

I bought it from Amy and Kris At the Country Store.

(Amy's blog is Amy's Vintage Cottage-check out her wonderful whites)

They had a fabulous of my favortist favorites.

The menu request was *Olive Garden* style.
Miss G made us chicken alfredo fetticini
fresh sourdough bread.
But this is the *killer*.

This is her version of :
Black Tie Mousse' Cake.
Just like Olive Garden.
To die for.

It is supposed to rain all day

so maybe I'll get caught up on my blogging.

I'm looking forward to a cup of tea and visiting all of the cozy whites out there.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


OK. I've put this off long enough:)
1o honest things about me.Thanks again, Gale and Kathleen for thinking of me.
1. I've been walking with God since high school...
My hope is in Him. Him alone.

2. I've lived in a 60-mile radius all of my life...I'm a country girl...

I love to go to the city to shop (thrift) but take me home to my quiet.
I really am just a homebody.

3. I've been a homeschooling mom for 23 years...doesn't that sound like a career?
I gave up my nursing license way back in 1986 to stay home with my children.
A decision I have not regretted for even 1 minute.
Homeschooling has brought blessing
beyond measure and imagination
to our family.

I do think a *gold watch* is in order at retirement, though!

My youngest is in the 7th 5 years to go.

4. My tongue is too sharp and gets me trouble. I don't want it to be.
God is teaching me...through the lessons of life...ouch!

More leaning to walk in grace.

5. I love...chocolate, hamburgers and french fries,

and about anything my Miss G bakes for me.

See # 10. It doesn't work for this...just keeps it somewhat in check.

6. I hate change.

Change of any kind. Change of jobs. Change of relationships

and please don't change the spagetti sauce recipe.

7. I love a two-year old's hand in mine. I love hearing *thank-you*, grandma.
I love being a mom. And I love old pick-up trucks.
I love to decorate.
and over the top.

"How am Isupposed to relax when I know this couch
would look so much better in the opposite corner!"

8. I hate the empty-nesting process.
I hate flippancy about having babies..
I hate wishy-washy-ness and I hate hot flashes.

9. I am for the most part a pessimist.

The rain on your parade. The *let's be real* part of the family.

Except for Miss Gracie's...then all I see is potential.

Oh, and when I see an old house that needs to be *rescued*.

10. I don't like to exercise but I do it help with #9.
Endorphins are my friend.

But I can't go look at furniture within 2 hours of exercising...
because then I can fix anything!

There you have it. More than you really wanted to know.
But they do help us to know each other a little better.
If you'd like to play along, leave me a comment...
and I'll come on over to your place to get to know you better.

See ya'll tomorrow for White Wednesday...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What 's been on ...

my mind and in my heart.

A wife of noble character, who can find?
She is worth more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
Proverbs31:1, 12

What an awesome responsibility.
What an awesome privilege.
It has been weeks of *juggling*
I'm afraid I 've *dropped* a few balls.
My heart has been called back
to *home*, to my *family*, to my *husband*.
May he again have full confidence in me.
Help me, Lord.